Out of the crisis : associations and unions called change of software

Attac, the CGT, or Greenpeace revealed on Tuesday their plan to exit the crisis”, 34 measures to respond to issues of health, social, economic, and ecological.

Attac, the CGT, or Greenpeace revealed on Tuesday their plan to exit the crisis”, 34 measures to respond to issues of health, social, economic, and ecological.

“never again !” It was the cry of the heart initiated by several grassroots organisations and trade unions on march 27, in a forum designed to “build the world after”. This text was to rebuild a future ecological, feminist, and social, breaking with the policies pursued so far and the mess the neo-liberal”. Twenty grassroots organisations and trade unions have reached a new stage Tuesday with the unveiling of their “plan to end the crisis”.

In this comprehensive document of 24 pages that The Express was able to consult with, the signatory organisations, such as Attac, the CGT, Greenpeace France, Oxfam or Youth for Climate France to defend the 34 measures “to respond collectively to the issues of health, social, economic, and ecological challenges facing the company in this period of crisis caused by the pandemic coronavirus, “while laying the groundwork for a new project of society”.

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Associations and trade unions, members of “never again” emphasize “the urgent need for a break with the policies carried out up to now”. “The crisis which has burst in the beginning of the year 2020 shows once more the necessity of changing the system”, say the signatories.

“The coming weeks will be decisive, and the government must urgently change the software,” warned the organisations signatories of this plan. The purpose of the group is to “demonstrate that there are alternatives to neoliberal capitalism, productivist and authoritarian, and that the alternatives are credible, desirable and achievable, provided that the political means are put at the service of the objectives of social transformation and preservation of the environment”.

“‘money magic’ exists ‘

The NGOS and trade unions, who want to “ensure that any and all measures of protection and prevention”, proposes to introduce “free masks and access to testing for all”, “a plan for the public hospital” or even a “plan to end violence against women”. The signing organizations also demand the lifting of the state of public health emergency.

in Order to respond to the social crisis linked to the coronavirus, and “to go to a well-being society for all”, the collective offers a “pay rise”. “Overall, we want to salary increases and no bonuses : as a first measure, the increase is uniform and equal for all, and all with a minimum of 200 euros, no salaries below 1700 euros net, the thaw and the rise in the index point for the public service”, write the signatories.

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Among the other social measures proposed, “the reduction and sharing of working time “with a “reference time set at 32 hours per week, without loss of pay or flexibilisation” or “the prohibition of layoffs in companies that make a profit.”

At the economic level, the collective wants to “refocus the monetary policy, control the finances, use public debt to good use, and a fundamental review of tax policy”. “‘Money magic’ exists,” according to the signatories, who wish to “regulate banking activities”.

“A first contribution to the debate”

Other proposals : in addition to its restoration, “the transformation of the ISF so that it is more fair, and reported significantly longer, of the order of € 10 billion according to some estimates”, the fight against fraud and tax evasion, “the introduction of a law to submit companies to the Paris Agreement and prohibit dividends climaticides” or “discontinuation of public support to the actors pollutants”.

On the international level, associations and unions want to “enter the cancellation of debt of the poorest countries” and argued that France “to provide additional funding in donations to the appropriate level of its global economic weight”.

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The 34 measures proposed in the “plan to end the crisis” constitute “a first contribution to the debate required to initiate the conversion of ecological and social of our societies”, state the signatories. “Now we want to work collectively in order to popularize them, complete them, embody them through concrete struggles, and to build together the conditions to impose them”, they write.

Date Of Update: 26 May 2020, 12:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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