People vulnerable to coronavirus will be able to consult a doctor

This consultation has been created for “those who have not consulted their doctor during the confinement period and who must do it. people are vulnerable to t

This consultation has been created for “those who have not consulted their doctor during the confinement period and who must do it.

people are vulnerable to the coronavirus and the elderly over 65 years of age will be eligible for a free consultation with their treating physician in the context of the déconfinement, said on Friday the ministry of Health.

The creation of this consultation, dubbed “balance and awareness”, was announced Thursday by Edward Philippe during his speech on the “second stage” of the déconfinement.

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It is addressed to “those who have not consulted their physician during the period of confinement, and must do, in order to check their state of health should not be the subject of a special monitoring or measures or special treatment,” said the Prime minister.

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Proposed by the attending physician to patients at risk, in this consultation, “said complex,” charged 46 euros will be “fully supported by health insurance”, detailed on Friday, the ministry in a press release, adding that the decree had already been published.

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Are concerned the people over the age of 65, those with conditions such as history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, a pathology, chronic respiratory, chronic renal failure dialysée, active cancer under treatment, obesity or immunosuppression, and pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy, is it so stipulated.

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This appointment will allow “assessing the impacts of confinement on the health of patients and ensure continuity of care”, of “advisor to the people, according to their weaknesses and pathologies on the protection measures to adopt in the context of the déconfinement,” says the ministry.

Date Of Update: 29 May 2020, 10:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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