Phase 2 of the déconfinement : what we can do (or not) from Tuesday

The restrictions were lifted everywhere in the country, but differences remain between the departments in the green zone and orange zone. The voice of Edward P

The restrictions were lifted everywhere in the country, but differences remain between the departments in the green zone and orange zone.

The voice of Edward Philippe last Thursday was highly anticipated. The Prime minister has unveiled details of phase 2 of the déconfinement in France. The epidemic has so far not been peak since the end of the restrictions, but the whole of France is not yet housed in the same boat : a distinction has always taken place between the departments in the green zone and orange zone.

The departments of Ile-de-France, Guyana and Mayotte have been placed in the category “orange” and the déconfinement there will be “a little more cautious than in the rest of the territory” because “the virus circulates a little more than elsewhere,” said Édouard Philippe. The next phase of the déconfinement must take place on the 22nd June. Other restrictions could then be lifted in the orange zone as a function of the progress of the epidemic. The Express train made the point on this that we will be able to do so from the Tuesday, June 2, according to the different areas in France.

Everywhere in France

End of limit of 100 km

The restriction strict movement decreed in the containment in France, in mid-march, was in part softened may 11, with authorized travel within a radius of 100 km to flight of bird around the home. Starting from Tuesday, the French will come and go in france without limitation. The rule of 100 km was “still in force this weekend,” and there will be “controls”, had, however, notified the minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, on RTL on Friday. However, according to the decree on the phase 2 of the déconfinement published this Monday in the official Journal, the prefects will again be able to restrict this freedom to come and go if the medical situation requires.

gardens, parks and beaches Your support is essential. Subscribe for $ 1 support Us

the Object of tension, policy and applications recurring on the part of many mayors in France, the gardens, parks and beaches will all be able to re-open from the 2nd of June. The parks and gardens were already able to reopen from Saturday on the decision of the local councils, but with caution, in areas where they had remained closed, including Paris. Wearing a mask in the gardens and on the beaches could be made mandatory by a decision of the prefect according to “local circumstances”, was announced by Christophe Castaner.

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from Tuesday, 2 June, “all schools will be open, and therefore, all municipalities that have not yet opened their schools open… at least on a part of the week,” announced on Thursday that Jean-Michel Blanquer. All colleges will re-open also. But in the orange zone (Ile-de-France, Guyana and Mayotte), they will welcome the priority that the sixths and fifths, said the minister of national Education.

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The Application StopCovid

application tracing StopCovid, intended to identify the spread of the coronavirus, should eventually be available from Tuesday, June 2, at noon, announced on Sunday the secretary of State to Digital, Cedric O. This application has for goal to allow each user learns its contamination to prevent those he has crossed in the two previous weeks, so that they can take their precautions.

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museums and monuments

The reopening of the national museums and monuments becomes possible as from the 2nd of June, but will in practice be spread over a month and a half, with a planned re-opening only in July, for several of these institutions, including the Louvre. According to a press release from the minister of Culture, Franck Riester, “all measures will be taken to ensure the protection of the health of personnel such as visitors” including the “use of the advance booking within a certain number of sites”, the “mask-wearing mandatory for visitors”, “the design of tour routes in order to reduce the cross-flows”. In addition, some museums are considering expanding their schedules.

In the green Area


In the counties of green, that is to say, in the vast majority of France, “the lycées of general, technological and professional will reopen and welcome gradually the students, at least on one of the three levels”, second, first, or terminal, in a first time, had detailed the minister of national Education Jean-Michel Blanquer. The test of the oral tray of French is ultimately cancelled for the high school First.

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swimming pools, sports halls and gyms

swimming pools, sports halls and gyms, closed since the beginning of the containment, will reopen from the 2nd of June in the green zone. Reception conditions will be rather strict, with reservations required, maximum time allowed and hygiene measures drastic. “Group sports and particular sports contacts will remain, however, prohibited because they do not allow, by nature, to respect the distancing physical”, had expliqque the Prime minister. And this, until at least June 21. In contrast, the professional athletes will be able to resume as soon as Tuesday, June 2 “with strict protocol,” said Édouard Philippe. In the orange zone, it will not, however, possible to go in these places that from the 22nd of June.


The casinos will be able to reopen Tuesday in the green zones, but only slot machines and electronic forms of games will be allowed games, table games staying banned for now. Some 200 casinos are active in the Hexagon. The establishment of Enghien-les-Bains is located in zone “orange”, as well as the eight clubs of Paris games.

camping sites, holiday villages and tourist accommodation

The tourist accommodations, holiday villages and campsites will open from the 2 June in the green zone “with a gauge of up to 5 000 persons”. In mid-may, the 8 000 French campsites were said to be “ready” to re-open for the summer and have put in place a health protocol that is responsible for the estrangement”, according to their federation. The area of the campsite has registered 129 million overnight stays last year, with 69% of French customers.


parks recreation, can open from the 2nd of June in the green zone, with a “gauge maximum of 5,000 people”, had announced Édouard Philippe. The Asterix park will re-open on June 15 with new health measures as “exceptional”, to the following passage in the “green zone” of the region Hauts-de-France, he announced Saturday. The Futuroscope, located near Poitiers, will open for its its doors on the 13th of June, first at weekends and then every day from the 27th of June.

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“In the green areas, the concert halls, and theaters are open as of June 2,” had stated Edouard Philippe during his intervention, by stating that wearing a mask will be mandatory and that “the rules of distance physics will have to be met by a specific organisation of the seating, flow management consistent with the health protocol”.

In the orange Zone

The terraces of bars, cafes and restaurants only

Edward Philippe announced on Thursday that the cafes, bars and restaurants could reopen on June 2, in the orange zone, but only on the terrace, because the virus “is a little more strongly”. Specifically, restaurant operators must signal their desire to have a terrace on remand, and indicate with a diagram the space they intend to occupy. They will be able to extend their terrace along the shops if they give their consent, and deal with it “up to three parking spaces in front of their restaurant”. They will also need to fill out a charter of ten points that will be displayed in the window : the stillness of the residents, the limit was set at 22: 00, traffic, pedestrians, cleanliness with the lack of disposable dishes…

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colleges for the 6th and the 5th only

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In the orange zone (Ile-de-France, Guyana and Mayotte), the colleges will reopen, but they do not host a priority sixths and fifths.

Date Of Update: 01 June 2020, 10:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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