PHOTO. All about the famous dog that broke the world record for the longest ears

The Coonhound breed has the longest ears in the world. His name is Lou. He broke the record for the longest ears. Coonhound is jet black. He’s three years old. He is very sweet, bold and intelligent. Today he holds the record for the longest ears.

All black hounds have long, nose-length ears, but some are longer. This dog’s achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in 2022. Each ear is 34 cm long. According to veterinary technician Paige, she decided to measure them during the pandemic.

Long ears help track long, cold tracks. Paige even says he’s a great friend when it comes to drinking. He even goes to the vineyard with Paige and his friends. All of Lou’s friends are proud of his achievements.

They were delighted with its place and title in the book. People always ask Paige about this breed and always love the breed’s ears. Everyone wants to touch his ear. Let’s share information about this cute dog and the dog with the longest ears.

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