Picture Puzzle IQ Quiz: Only extremely smart people can identify the safest exit in 13 seconds!

IQ test with picture quiz: Brain exercise is very necessary to train our brain and IQ test with picture puzzle is one of the best activities where you can train your mind his brain.

In a picture puzzle IQ test, the user is shown a picture with a scenario and based on that, the user has to make a certain decision.

Decision making made using critical thinking requires the use of the brain. The image is given as a picture puzzle in which certain questions are posed to the user.

The user has to find the answer to the puzzle by understanding the puzzle and using logical and analytical reasoning skills.

Regular practice of such quizzes helps train the brain and improve cognition.

It is also linked to better mental health by preventing cognitive decline in old age.

This is a fun IQ quiz challenge where you need to determine which door is the safest and why?

Are you ready?

Let’s start!

Picture Puzzle Test IQ: You are a genius if you know who is a real vampire in 9 seconds!

Image of IQ Test Quiz – Identify the safest door in 13 seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shared above puts the user in the shoes of a guy who has somehow fallen into a precarious position.

He must escape from this house, and when it comes to the exit, he has not one but three options.

The first door is made of glass and reflects sunlight, the second contains poisonous gas, and the third has a lion behind it.

Now you have to determine which door will be safest to escape to.

Put on your thinking hat and see if you can come up with some interesting conclusions.

Take a close look at the picture and research all aspects that can guarantee a safe escape from the house.

Time is running out.

Just a few more seconds.






Hot jig.

Well, the deadline is up.

Can you identify the safest door?

This is a demanding challenge that will test how good your decision-making skills are.

It may take you more time to find the best solution.

If you already know the answer, you can compare your answers below.

But don’t jump right to the answer before solving the puzzle because it won’t help the brain.

So, have you now identified the best exit door?

Are you interested in which door is the safest and why not?

Check out the solutions below.

If you find the diamond in this viral optical illusion within 9 seconds, you have the same IQ as Sherlock Holmes!

Image of IQ Test Quiz – With Answers

The solution to this puzzle is that the first door is the safest exit because the room is filled with glass and when the sun stops shining, the heat will decrease and you will easily get out without causing any damage. any significant harm.


There will be some damage if one of the other two doors is selected.

Recommend reading:

Brain Teaser: You really are a genius if you can fix a math equation in 4 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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