Pregnant Woman Cheered for Refusing To Chauffeur Stepson Around After Birth

A pregnant woman who refuses to drive her stepson for three hours a day after giving birth has received support online.

Share your problem with Am IA******? (AITA) subreddit user u/throwawayyyy262 said that she is pregnant with her first child, due at the end of December.

She also helps raise her ten-year-old stepson, who lives with her and her husband five days a week. The boy’s school is a 45-minute drive away, which means they spend three hours a day driving him around.

Mom and baby under stress in the carPhoto of a stressed mother sitting in the driver’s seat with her baby in her arms. The poster and her newborn are expected to spend three hours a day in the car for the school run. global moments/iStock/Getty Images Plus

The poster asked if her stepson could transfer to a nearby school, but her husband and ex refused until the current school year was over. Throwawayyyy262 is worried about spending so much time on the road with a newborn after giving birth, especially since it will be January with the cold and “Midwestern snow”. So she asked her husband if her ex-wife could take the boy to school for a while.

“To my surprise they told me ‘Don’t worry biomom and I will make a deal for OUR son’,” she wrote.

“‘I understand that she will have a second child as a priority now, but I’m sure if SS was her biological child, she would have no problem doing what needs to be done for both children.'”

Billboard is deeply pained by the comment, having cared for her stepson “as if he were her own” since she met her husband six years ago. Because her husband and her ex work long shifts, they can’t rush to school, and the cartel has no family around to help him.

“AITA for seeking help after the birth of a child?” she asked.

The boy is sitting in the back seat of the car.Photo of a boy sitting in the back seat of a car with a tablet. Poster’s stepson currently spends three hours a day in the car, just going to and from school. Goads Agency/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Reddit users were horrified by the story, and the post received nearly 8,000 upvotes and 1,700 comments.

According to Dr. Freda Singletary, a pediatrician at Rainbow Pediatrics, long car rides are unhealthy for mothers and babies.

“Newborns in car seats for hours could be at risk of problems such as shortness of breath, distorted heads from pressure, and overheating,” he said. news week.

It is also “risky” for someone who has just given birth to drive, especially if they have had a C-section or have suffered other complications.

“Add to that the typical sleep deprivation of new parents and possible medications, and it’s a tough combination,” Singletary said.

“Plus, newborns need frequent feedings and diaper changes, not to mention cuddle time.”

Reddit users criticized the poster’s husband, calling him “ignorant” and “hypocritical.”

“She expects you to be up feeding a baby all night, then get 2 kids ready to go out, drive an hour in most likely bad weather at 6 or 7am…there and then come back a few hours later…” said Suspicious_West1161.

Mom tries to calm baby in car seatPhoto of a mom trying to calm a stressed baby in a car seat. According to Dr. Freda Singletary, a pediatrician, it’s unhealthy for newborns to spend too much time in car seats. Marc Calleja Lopez/iStock/Getty Images Plus

“This passive-aggressive shit is disturbing and emotionally manipulative,” Equivalent_Willow317 warned.

“OP’s husband is using her as a servant, all doing, not talking, and trying to get her to put up with it,” Calling_Water said.

“Funny how only his birth parents make the decision about which school he goes to, but when they need OP to be their son’s personal driver, she doesn’t treat him like a real son,” noblestromana wrote.

“That man is a walking red flag and it’s pretty sad that this woman has to put up with her BS,” the Angolan commented.

“Supposedly, the ex-wife still has the upper hand or even the husband’s heart. [Not the A******] Safely.”

news week reached out to /throwayyyy262 for comment. We were unable to verify the details of the case.

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