Pretty Little Liars: 10 Best Quotes About Secrets

secrecy is a big part of it Pretty little liars, Go from little secrets girls keep without thinking to really big secrets that can make the difference between life and death if they share. Whoever knows the most secrets is the most powerful person Pretty little liarsbecause they use these secrets to control and manipulate others.

Aside from the fun secrets that have kept the show going for seven seasons, there are some iconic lines about the art of hiding skulls. Whether it’s Alison tricking her friends into a secret she then uses to manipulate them, or Hannah reflecting on what people hide in life, Pretty little liars There are some strong lines about secrets.

“Friends share secrets. That’s what keeps us together.”

Alison enters Spencer's warehouse in pilot episode PLL

When Spencer warned Arya in the pilot episode not to drink too much at the slumber party and told her she would eventually reveal all the secrets, Alison said it and told everyone to drink it up.

Arguably one of the most memorable quotes ever said in the iconic scene Pretty little liars, that line is more ironic than anything, because out of all the girls, Alison has the most secrets, most of which she doesn’t share. She also uses their secrets to control them and force them to stay close to her – so in a way the secrets keep them close, just not in the fun, friendly way that she does. they expect. Pretty little liars There are many rewarding moments of friendship, but this is not one of them.

“You two can only keep it a secret if one of you dies.”

Alison looks down on Emily after saving her on PLL

In previous seasons, the girls believed Alison was really dead. So every time they see her, they think she’s a ghost, from Hannah’s instinctive dream after being run to the hospital by A, to Arya’s conversation with her when she’s sick. at home and drugged by Meredith. Alison told her this during her meeting with Emily when she asked her if she knew who was torturing them.

Aside from the time it was mentioned on the show, this line will be familiar to many fans as it is part of the show. Pretty little liars Pierce’s theme song “Secret”. It’s one of Alison’s favorite lines, and it reinforces the show’s theme: No one can be trusted when it comes to keeping secrets.

“I’ve found a way to keep my secret, but everyone I care about gets hurt.”

Troian Bellisario as Spencer Hastings on PLL

In the episode “Over My Dead Body”, the girls receive individual instructions from A to keep Dr. Sullivan safe. Spencer’s instructions are to keep Toby safe, which she assumes they must part with. When she broke up with him, she told him that she had a lot of secrets with him and that she didn’t want him to get hurt.

Spencer and the other girls are forced to keep it a secret because they don’t know who to trust, from the police to some family members. Whenever they try to come forward and tell the truth, there is always collateral damage, which is why they feel the despair Spencer expresses in this sentence.

“Many families have secrets. Most families have them. Sometimes those secrets are from real people.”

Andrea Parker as Mary Drake in PLL

After Hannah is kidnapped, the others are given an ultimatum that if they want her back alive, they must find evidence of the killer, Charlotte, who escaped in the episode “The Asylum” “. When she ran across the street and bumped into Mary Drake, she realized she was Jessica DiLaurentis’ twin sister. Hannah commented that it was strange that Alison never mentioned having an aunt, and Mary told her that sometimes families keep secrets.

At the time, the girls believed that Mary Drake was AD and tortured them to get information about Charlotte’s killer. Although at the time, the family seemed to consider her a family secret, it was later revealed that the commercial was actually revealed that there was more than one secret figure in the family.

“That bastard can keep a secret. I respect that.”

Mona van der Wall looks up at someone in Pretty Little Liars

One of the show’s biggest plot twists is that Toby is part of Team A just like Mona. As the two were planning their next move in “Misery Love Company” season three, Mona asked Toby Spencer if he’d told him message A was still going on, even after she It was sent to Radley. When Toby says she’s still lying, Mona praises Spencer’s ability to keep secrets.

Mona herself is basically the queen of secrets, especially considering how well she hid it throughout the season. Mona is impressed with the level of secrecy Spencer is keeping, which may be part of the reason she later tries to convince Spencer to join the team as well.

“Twenty dollars a secret? You’re so cheap.”

Alison writes diary in bed of PLL

“The First Secret” is a flashback episode that shows many things that happened in the past. One of those scenes is when Jason walks into Alison’s bedroom. She asked him and his friends what they were doing in the room, and he demanded $20 in exchange for telling her, at which point she laughed at him for revealing a secret. cheap way.

Alison thrives on keeping secrets, even long before she “died”. The secret she uncovers here is about the NAT Club, whose members are involved in many dark, secret things happening in Rosewood.

“I’m still here, bitch. I know it all.”

Emily, Spencer, Aria and Hanna stare at their phones after receiving a text from A on PLL

The message the girls received outside the church shortly after Alison’s funeral became one of the most memorable. Pretty little liars. This passage at the end of the pilot episode sets the tone for the entire series, as A continues to keep every secret the girls have.

The text message makes them wonder if Alison is really dead because she’s the only one who knows all their secrets. It unravels the mystery of who knows all their secrets and what they hope to achieve by torturing the girls, which is key to capturing the viewer’s attention.

“Everybody has a life that no one knows.”

Hannah Looks Confused in 'Pretty Little Liars'

After Lucas and Sean clashed in season one, Sean advised Hannah not to go out with Lucas. Hannah counters her own questions about his friend Noel Kahn, who she suspects is A, and tells Sean that everyone has a life that no one knows in advance.

This quote applies to almost every character in the play Pretty little liars. Every time a secret is shared or exposed, it reveals something new and unexpected about the character’s life. This mainly results in the Liar being unable to trust most of the other characters and giving A more power over them.

“Secrets aren’t just secrets. They’re weapons. You keep them in your pocket until you need them.”

Toby and Spencer version on PLL in the 1940s

In season 4, episode 19, “Shadow Play”, the story shifts to the 1940s, including black and white. While talking to Spencer in the interrogation room, Toby said this and told her that he learned this principle from Ali.

That line perfectly summarizes the entire show and how it secretly empowers the villains over everyone else. Every secret and lie the girls keep and tell is used as a weapon against them, first Alison and then A and other versions of the masked characters.

“It’s a family secret that I can’t keep.”

Lucy Hale as Aria in Pretty Little Liars

In “Misery Loves Our Company”, the girls begin to suspect that Arya’s father may have hurt Alison from what they read in Arya’s diary. When discussing the matter with the girls, Alia says she doesn’t believe her father can succeed, but if he does, it will be a family secret she won’t keep.

Until then, Alia had kept an important family secret about her father’s affair. The secret ruined their relationship, but she kept it to protect her mother. This time, faced with the choice between her father and her friend’s cause, she is ready to tell the truth.

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