Priority to boys ' dropouts : anger after a directive sexist in a college

The principal of this establishment would have asked to host in priority to boys ‘ dropouts, to the detriment of girls. The Academy recognizes a “clumsiness”

The principal of this establishment would have asked to host in priority to boys ‘ dropouts, to the detriment of girls. The Academy recognizes a “clumsiness”.

Support the return of pupils boys rather than the girls. This is enough to provoke anger among the teachers of the college Victor Hugo, in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis), who are working on the resumption of classes after the confinement. The principal of this establishment located in the district of the Rose-of-Winds would have given the following instructions : “For the students of 4th and 3rd, we are asked to accommodate in priority to boys’ dropouts in 3rd, and then the boys dropout of 4th, then the girls décrocheuses 3rd and finally the girls décrocheuses 4”, as noted in the Release site.

“Put that once the students of 6th and 5th hosted-es, we still have a capacity of 60 students ; if we have a list of 65 boys dropouts and 10 girls décrocheuses, it is asked of me to welcome priority is given to the boys. We will be hosting 60 boys.” still evokes the head of the school.

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Refusing categorically what they see as a “directive sexist”, teachers and staff of the college Victor Hugo wrote a letter sent June 3 to the rector of the academy of Créteil, as well as to unions. They declare that they will not participate in the constitution of groups of students as dropouts in these conditions.

No “instructions in academic the same”

Contacted by Liberation, the academy of Créteil confirmed that “the head of the school has well said that the teachers had written in the letter”, and says he was a “clumsiness”, and the report also described the principal of the college. Contacted by le Parisien, a teacher of this college is said to have “‘t believe clumsiness”, and told to wait for new guidelines on Monday. “In this case, I’m going to be able to list the students that I want to come back. It turns out that in my class it is a… of décrocheuses,” according to him.

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The rector, Daniel Auverlot wrote by email to the academic secretary of the union also notes the Parisian, according to him, “the results of the DNB [brevet], definitive exclusions, the results of the evaluation at the entry into sixth show, alas, in the academy of Créteil, a high fragility of the boys.” The academy of Créteil ensures Release that it has “never transmitted setpoint academic like that” and said to have asked the principal of the collège Victor Hugo, not to apply a distinction between girls and boys affected by early school leaving.

Date Of Update: 08 June 2020, 08:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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