Prove you have a keen eye for detail by finding 5 farm bugs in less than 10 seconds!

We’re back with another brain teaser. This picture quiz will test how well you can spot the details! Your task is to find 5 difficult errors cleverly hidden in the picture. Solving puzzles is one of the best ways to sharpen your senses and improve your concentration. Are you ready to take on the challenge? Let’s get started.

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Find 5 mistakes in 10 seconds

Check out the brain teaser image below.


Source: Bright Side

The picture above shows the inside of the farm. A man is working on a farm, next to him is a haystack and some animals around. Now look closely at the picture. There are 5 bugs in it that you have to find out. You have 10 seconds to spot the errors in the picture. So set your timer and get going. Your time starts now. All the best.

This brain game is a great way to test how detail-oriented you are. Look closely at the picture, only then will you be able to spot all the mistakes in the picture.

The clock is ticking. How many bugs have you found so far? One? Father? Or the whole year? If you can spot all the errors, then you have a keen eye for detail.

Hurry up. You will soon run out of time. The solution to this brain puzzle is given below. Scroll down to see it.

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Solution to the puzzle

You are asked to find five farm bugs in this picture puzzle within 10 seconds. If you manage to find them all within the time limit, congratulations. Here is the solution:


Source: Bright Side

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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