Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti 2023: Wishes, Messages, WhatsApp & Facebook Status, Quotes, Facts and more

Rabindranath Tagore, one of India’s most celebrated luminaries, was born on May 7th, 1861. He was a multifaceted personality; an author, poet, playwright and musician – his talents knew no bounds. His contributions to Indian literature and music are unparalleled till date. The nation commemorates his birth anniversary on the 9th of May every year with great fervour and enthusiasm.

Tagore wrote extensively in Bengali and is widely revered for his work ‘Gitanjali,’ a collection of poems that earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. Interestingly, he was the first non-European to receive this prestigious honour. Apart from writing, he was also known for composing music and creating exquisite paintings.

Tagore’s most notable contribution to Indian culture is perhaps the composition of ‘Jana Gana Mana,’ India’s national anthem. This song has become an integral part of India’s identity and cultural ethos.

However, Tagore’s legacy goes beyond these achievements. He was a visionary who used his art as a tool for social change during India’s independence movement. He rejected his knighthood in protest against the brutal Jallianwala Bagh massacre that took place in Punjab in 1919.

Today, Rabindranath Tagore remains an inspiration to millions across the globe. His life and works continue to be studied and celebrated even after more than a century since his birth.

Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti 2023: Famous and inspirational quotes by Bengali poets

  1. The quote by Rabindranath Tagore beautifully describes faith as a bird that can feel the light and sing even when it’s still dark outside. It is an uplifting message about hope and perseverance in difficult times.
  2. According to Rabindranath Tagore, our existence towards infinity is not focused on material wealth but rather on freedom and joy. This philosophical perspective encourages us to prioritize what truly matters in life.
  3. Rabindranath Tagore reflects on his own experiences of traveling to distant places but realizing that he missed out on observing the beauty of nature around him, such as a simple dew drop on a blade of grass. It’s a reminder to appreciate the small things in life.
  4. Death may signal the end of one’s physical life, but according to Tagore, it does not extinguish the lamp inside us – that light within us will continue to shine brightly just like dawn breaking after a long night.
  5. There is an old saying: “Silence is golden.” However, Tagore suggests that talking can also be a manifestation of wisdom regardless of age or gray hair.
  6. Life is full of surprises – we may dream about joy and happiness but often find ourselves serving others instead. Nonetheless, through acts of service performed with love and compassion, we can find joy in even the most challenging circumstances.
  7. Sometimes we misunderstand the world around us and assume that it is deceiving us – however, this could merely be our limited perception preventing us from seeing its true beauty.
  8. Education should not only impart knowledge but also help individuals live in harmony with all living beings on earth – this holistic approach instills respect for all forms of life and encourages individuals to make positive contributions towards society.
  9. Wisdom comes in many forms – minor wisdom can be compared to clear water while great wisdom can resemble vast oceans with mysterious depths that are yet unexplored.
  10. Don’t cry over the past – focus instead on what lies ahead. If we let tears cloud our vision, we may miss out on the opportunities that await us.
  11. Life can be full of challenges and setbacks, but it’s important to persevere and keep moving forward despite the obstacles. Even if one door is closed, there are always other ways to achieve greatness.
  12. Work done under compulsion often leads to a sense of dissatisfaction and lack of purpose in life. In contrast, serving others with love brings true freedom – freedom in action that allows us to make a positive impact in society.
  13. Planting trees is an act of selflessness that benefits future generations – such actions reveal an understanding of the true meaning of life.
  14. Discipline is essential for personal growth, but it should not be imposed upon students without consideration for their individual needs or interests.
  15. Love is a complex emotion that cannot be fully explained by reason alone – it remains an endless mystery that continues to inspire poets and artists throughout history.
  16. Life is fleeting but beautiful like dew drops on a leaf – Tagore uses this metaphor to encourage individuals to cherish every moment they have on earth.
  17. Beauty cannot be fully appreciated by destroying it – rather than plucking petals off a flower, one should admire its beauty while leaving it intact so that others can appreciate it too.
  18. Competitive greed often leads to destruction rather than creation; instead of appreciating the natural world around us, we become obsessed with consuming resources without regard for consequences.
  19. Even though clouds may bring rain or storms, they can also add color to our sunset skies – these unexpected moments remind us of the beauty that exists even amidst difficult circumstances.
  20. True greatness comes from humility – when we acknowledge our limitations and work towards self-improvement without arrogance or pride, we are more likely to make meaningful contributions towards society as a whole. Rabindranath Tagore’s life and works continue to inspire individuals across the globe.

Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti 2023: Poems of a Bengali Poet

First, wait. The song I came to sing today has not been sung yet. I spent all day tuning and unstringing my instrument. Time does not come, words are not right; there is only the suffering of lust in my heart… I did not see his face nor hear his voice, only heard his light footsteps from the street in front of the house… But the lamp was not lit and I could not invite him into my house. I live with the hope of meeting him but it was not this meeting.

  1. Gitanjali You have made me endless; it’s your pleasure. You empty this fragile container again and again and always fill it with fresh life. You carried this little reed flute through hills and valleys and blew eternal new tunes through it. At the eternal touch of your hands, my little heart lost its ecstasy and gave birth to an indescribable expression. Your endless gifts only come to me in these small hands of mine. Centuries go by, and you still pour, and there is still room to fill.
  2. About the nature of love The dark forest night has no beginning and no end; millions of people use it in a million ways. We try to be in the dark, but where or with whom – we are unaware of it. But we have belief – that happiness will appear every minute with a smile on our faces. The smell, touch, sound, parts of songs move us, pass us by, give us great shocks.

Then by chance a lightning bolt: met someone at that moment I fell in love. I called that person and cried: “Blessed is this life! I have traveled many kilometers for you!” All others come closer or farther from darkness – I do not know if they even exist.

  1. Paper boats Day by day, I float my paper boats down the water. I write my name and the name of the village where I live in big black letters. I hope that someone in a foreign country will find them and know who I am. I load the boat with shiuli flowers from our garden and hope that these dawn flowers will be safely delivered to the mainland during the night.
  2. Where the mind is fearless Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments; By narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way, Into dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action –

Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti 2023: Interesting Facts

  • Rabindranath Tagore is not only the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, but also the first Asian. In 2004, Tagore’s Nobel Prize medal was stolen from Shantiniketan. However, he was honored again by the Swedish Academy with two copies of silver and gold medals. King George V of England knighted Rabindranath Tagore in 1915 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to literature. He is also the author of the national anthems of Bangladesh and India, as well as Sri Lanka’s national anthem ‘Sri Lanka Matha’. It is worth noting that his use of strange color combinations and eccentric aesthetic in red and green has been considered “color blind”. Additionally, he used the money from his Nobel Prize to build “Visva-Bharati” school. Finally, please find below a schedule for May 2023 delineating both good and bad days.

Categories: Trends
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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