Racism : what you need to know about the events of the committee Traoré planned Saturday

A new mobilization against racism and police violence will take place in Paris on Saturday. Other parades are expected throughout France. new events are held S

A new mobilization against racism and police violence will take place in Paris on Saturday. Other parades are expected throughout France.

new events are held Saturday in Paris and throughout France against racism and police violence, on a background of anger among the security forces who say they are “thrown into a pasture” by the minister of the Interior.

The biggest parade, which is due Saturday in Paris to the place de la République to Opéra, is held at 14: 30 the call of the committee Adama Traoré, young black man who died in July 2016 after his arrest by gendarmes in the paris region.

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To prevent possible overflows, the prefect of police of Paris, Didier Lallement, has called for the closure of shops, pubs and restaurants located on the course.

According to a note of the intelligence directorate of the prefecture of police of Paris, seen by Le Parisien, the police expect a mobilization of 10 000 to 20 000 people.

A national mobilization

other parades are expected, including Marseille, departing from the Vieux-Port in Lyon place Bellecour, Montpellier Comedy square, france, place du Bouffay and Saint-Nazaire, and in Strasbourg on Sunday.

“We call upon all the cities of France to come and protest with us to demand truth and justice for Adama and all the victims of the police or of the gendarmerie”, says the committee, which was able to mobilise 20 000 people on June 2 in front of the Palace of justice in Paris, according to the prefecture of police.

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Since then, thousands of people took to the streets to denounce police violence and racism in France. On Tuesday, the call of SOS Racism, a tribute was paid at Paris to George Floyd, an African-american 46-year-old killed on 25 may in Minneapolis by a white policeman. His death became the symbol of police abuse and has raised an outrage unprecedented global.

In France, in the face of mobilisation, which has made spot oil, from Paris to several major cities of the province, the executive has attempted in the beginning of the week to calm tensions.

The executive trying to calm the game

racism is a disease that affects the whole of society,” said Wednesday, in the council of ministers Emmanuel Macron, while defending the forces of order, “the overwhelming majority of which cannot be soiled”.

The head of State, is expected to have on the subject Sunday during his address to the French, has also “called for the modernization of the techniques of questioning and response so that we know a context of strong tensions”.

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In a visit Wednesday at a police station in Evry (Essonne), the Prime minister Edouard Philippe has also tried to ease the controversy. “We owe them respect and trust,” as “the immense majority of the French”, but “we also have a duty of requirement vis-à-vis of her,” he said.

at the request of Emmanuel Macron, the minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner was announced on Monday measures to improve the conduct of forces of the order and, in particular, the end of the method of questioning so-called “bottlenecks” and the suspension is systematic in the case of behaviour or racist.

“It’s going to end badly”

Of the advertisements that have strong reaction in the trade unions of the guardians of the peace, received, Thursday at Beauvau. “He has released, has thrown us into a pasture on Monday. He has to regravir the Everest of confidence,” thundered including Yves Lefebvre, general secretary of Unity SGP Police-FO, calling his colleagues “do not call, not to intervene”.

In the aftermath of Thursday evening, police gathered in front of the police stations everywhere in France, and in particular have filed to land their handcuffs. In addition, several dozens of police officers protested on Friday morning on the avenue des Champs-Elysées, at the request of the trade unions Alliance, synergy, SICP and UNSA.

Read our complete file

Sebastian Roché : “It is wrong to say that the function of police is devalued” Death of Adama Traoré : the family ahead of the track of a possible “revenge” a policeman Wrath of the police : “A movement, a mood that will calm down”, believes Nicole Belloubet

“Who’s the boss ?, questions Youcef Brakni, a member of the committee Adama. The ministry of the Interior is directed by the police unions, this is political blackmail, it’s going to end badly”.

Date Of Update: 12 June 2020, 19:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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