Ready to test your skills? Spot the thief hiding from the police in the image within 7 seconds!


Visual test puzzles are quite an entertaining way to put your problem-solving and observation skills to the test. These puzzles frequently include hidden things or patterns that are difficult to see at first. These hidden items in these puzzles can be anything, from inanimate objects to living creatures such as animals and humans. Research says that solving brain puzzles every day helps you get smarter. So, we sincerely advise you to solve at least one online riddle on a daily basis. 

The visual puzzle that we have prepared for you today is nothing different, it is quite similar to the ones you have seen before. If you want to solve this visual puzzle, all you have to do is discover the thief hidden. So, are you ready for the challenge? Let’s begin. 

Spot the thief in 7 seconds

Look at the picture puzzle below:



The above image shows a police officer running in what looks like a valley. One of the thieves gas escaped from the prison and the police officer seen in the picture is in pursuit of the escaped criminal. Now, as you already know that it is your duty to catch the thief before he can escape and you have to do it in just 7 seconds. 

A word of caution? Finding the thief in this picture puzzle is not as easy as it seems. You certainly will not be able to catch him in just 7 seconds. So, prove us wrong and solve this puzzle in 7 seconds or less. Will you be able to do it? Let’s find out. This visual puzzle is a test of your skills and you must emerge victorious. We are counting on you. 

Set your timers and grab your glasses. Your time starts now. All the best!

We have provided the solution to this brain teaser visual puzzle at the bottom. Scroll down to see it. 

Visual Puzzle Solution

Here is the solution to this brain teaser picture puzzle where you had to spot the thief in 7 seconds:



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Categories: Optical Illusion

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