Reconfinement extended in Israel, new restrictions… The point on the pandemic

The United States is the most affected country in terms of the number of deaths and registered cases. It is followed by Brazil, India, Mexico and the United Kingdom.

The United States is the most affected country in terms of the number of deaths and registered cases. It is followed by Brazil, India, Mexico and the United Kingdom.

The novel coronavirus pandemic has claimed at least 1,002,036 lives worldwide since late December, according to a report compiled by AFP on Monday from official sources. The United States is the most affected country, both in number of deaths (205,024) and in number of registered cases (7,147,070). It is followed by Brazil (142,058 deaths), India, Mexico and the United Kingdom.

Israel: Retention will be extended

The lockdown that was introduced in Israel to combat the highest rate of coronavirus infection in the world will be extended to the end of three weeks, previously announced, the Health Minister warned on Tuesday.

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“There is no way that in 10 days we will wake everyone up and say that everything is over, that everything is fine,” minister Yuli Edelstein said on Kan public radio. “This time, considering what happened in April, we will go out (free rein) gradually and responsibly.

100 million doses of vaccines for poor countries

One hundred million additional doses of the future vaccine against Covid-19 have been reserved for the poorest countries, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) announced Tuesday, which cooperates with the World Health Organization (WHO). In early August, Gavi and Bill & Melinda Gate already announced a collaboration with the Serum Institute of India (SII), the world’s largest vaccine producer in terms of volume, to deliver 100 million doses.

Moscow mayor extended school holidays

The mayor of Moscow, Sergueï Sobianine, announced on Tuesday his decision to extend school holidays by one week to stop the spread of the coronavirus, which has increased significantly in the Russian capital since the beginning of September.

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It is scheduled to start next Monday and last for a week, and the school holidays in Moscow will take place from October 5 to 18, “taking into account the recommendations of the health authorities (…) and the increase in Covid cases ”- 19, he stated in the press release. This decision was made “to also avoid contact and the children would not be exposed to the risk of disease,” he explained.

Spain, province of Québec: new restrictions

The Prime Minister of Quebec announced on Monday new restrictions to curb the epidemic: bars, restaurants, cinemas, museums and libraries will remain closed from October 1 to 28 in three regions of the Montreal metropolitan area and the capital of Quebec, after a threshold red alert.

In Spain, Madrid has extended movement restrictions to new areas: they apply to 167,000 more people as of Monday, who cannot leave their neighborhood to go to work, see the doctor or take their children to school. More than a million residents of the Community of Madrid are now concerned.

Hurry with rapid tests

President Donald Trump announced Monday that he will distribute $150 million in 15-minute rapid tests for the coronavirus in the United States, comparable to pregnancy tests, much faster than the molecular tests used since the pandemic began. The poorest countries will have access to 120 million of these low-cost tests over the next six months, the WHO and its partners promised Monday, but only if they can find the funds.

Lack of confinement in Santiago

Almost all of Santiago’s 7 million residents were found free to move on Monday after months of detention and a month of constitutional referendum aimed at alleviating the social crisis. The Chilean capital and its suburbs began a slow process of lack of confinement on August 12, which was almost completed on Monday with the lifting of restrictions in eight new communes 36. Only two communal communities remain under restrictions.

State of emergency in Prague and Bratislava

Slovakia and the Czech Republic will declare a state of emergency for each week of this week in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, announced separately by the prime ministers of the two neighboring countries, which have seen a sharp increase in cases of infection.

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virtual G20

Saudi Arabia, the host country of the G20, announced that the summit will be held virtually on November 21 and 22, and will be chaired by King Salman bin Abdel Aziz Al-Saud.

Date updated: October 1, 2020, 02:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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