Redditor tries playing a game with GPT-4. Here’s how it ended

OpenAI’s GPT-4 has truly transformed the world of artificial intelligence with its extraordinary capabilities. From acing the bar exam and solving complex logic puzzles to providing creative recipes and crafting beautiful poems inspired by prompts, the AI chatbot can do much more than one can think of. It can even play games with you. Yes, you read that right!

An individual named Alex asked GPT-4 to play a game with emojis with them, and the results are hilarious. (Reddit/Secret-Aardvark-366) An individual named Alex asked GPT-4 to play a game with emojis with them, and the results are hilarious. (Reddit/Secret-Aardvark-366)

“Tried to play a game with GPT-4…,” reads the caption posted alongside the screenshot shared on Reddit community ‘ChatGPT’ by a user who goes by ‘Secret-Aardvark-366’. The conversation begins with an individual named Alex asking GPT-4 to play a game with them. They wrote, “I want to play a game where you give me a set of emojis, and the first letter of what the emoji is spells out a word. I’ll go first.” The user then gave GPT-4 a combination of emojis and said that it spelt out ‘Hello’. The AI chatbot participated and provided a set of emojis that spelt out a word related to music. The user guessed the word to be ‘Casapoal,’ but unfortunately, that wasn’t the correct answer.

Take a look at the screenshot to know what happens next below:

The original poster then shared in the comments section that ‘it got even worse’ and shared a link to their entire conversation with the AI chatbot. After AI shared the answer as ‘baseball,’ the user corrected it, stating that Piano does not start with B and that ‘baseball doesn’t have anything to do with music’. The chatbot then admits its mistake and corrects the word to ‘Basap-oal’. They then resume their game, and GPT-4 throws a combination of emojis.

Take a look at the next combination of emojis here:

GPT-4 shared these combinations of emojis for the user to crack. (Screengrab) GPT-4 shared these combinations of emojis for the user to crack. (Screengrab)

After getting upset with the responses by GPT-4, Alex asks, “Can you make a word that exists?” After sharing apologies for its previous responses, the AI chatbot makes several attempts but to no avail.

Here’s how this game ended:

The image shows how the user ended the game with GPT-4. (Screengrab) The image shows how the user ended the game with GPT-4. (Screengrab)

The screenshot was shared five days ago on Reddit. It has since garnered over 20,600 upvotes and a flurry of comments from netizens.

Here’s how Redditors reacted to this post on GPT-4:

“B = PIANO. Duh!” posted a Reddit user. Another added, “This is something that passed the Bar Exam by the way.” “You’re close!” shared a third. A fourth commented, “It’s trying so hard, bless this machine.” “Ah yes, the famous music genre ‘baseball’,” joked a fifth. A sixth expressed, “Lol, this is gold.” What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever tried playing a game with GPT-4? If yes, what was it?

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