Rescued By Ruby, And 9 Other Dog Films Based On A True Story

On March 17, Netflix released rescued by ruby, a touching film about dogs based on a true story. In real life, Ruby passed away in early May, and people across the country have offered their condolences, remembering what made this adorable canine companion so great.

Dogs are “man’s best friend” and there are several dog movies like rescued by Ruby, Based on a true story. Some are more precise than others, but nearly every dog ​​movie has the same themes of love, friendship, and perseverance.

Ruby Saved (2022)

ruby rescues Grant gustin

rescued by ruby Follow Officer Daniel O’Neill, who dreams of working in the K-9 unit, and Ruby, the playful, whimsical dog about to die. The two met and bonded while practicing for the K9 exam. They make one of the best units in the state.

Ruby rescues a boy in the woods who happens to be related to the woman at the animal shelter who saved Ruby from being knocked down. The main deviation from the true story is the time frame of events. While the movie shows everything that happened in one year, Ruby’s discovery of Inman’s son happened years later, according to the Associated Press. Also, Daniel and Ruby don’t meet each other by chance. According to, Daniel’s boss evaluated Ruby before putting the two together.

Eight Under (2006)

Dog pulling a sled through the snow

When a storm threatens the lives of an Antarctic guide and his team, they are forced to leave their guide dog behind. The dogs were left alone in Antarctica for months, forced to find their own way of survival.

under eight years old Based on the true story of the Japanese expedition, it was made into a movie overseas for the first time. under eight years old In terms of accuracy, this isn’t the best American remake of a foreign film. The team did not return to the scene until two years later and only two dogs survived. The film depicts several surviving dogs, minimizing the tragedy of real dogs that do not survive.

My Dog Jumps (2000)

my dog ​​jumped over frankie muniz

my dog ​​jumps Adapted from the autobiography of the same name by Willie Morris. The film follows Will and his dog on various adventures. Skip was always with Will when he made friends, had his first love, and joined the baseball team.

The book was released in 1996, after the death of Willie Morris. Not much is known about the level of dramatization in the book, but the film seems to stay true to the memoir. One of the only criticisms of the film’s accuracy was Skip’s decision to change the breed from a fox terrier to a Jack Russell terrier. my dog ​​jumps Goes on to win the Critics’ Choice Award for Best Family Film of 2001.

After Thomas (2006)

After Thomas, Thomas sat on the ground with Kyle

Parents of boys with autism struggle to care for their children and maintain healthy relationships between them. When all else failed, they switched to a golden retriever puppy to which Kyle responded. He named the puppy Thomas after his favorite train.

after thomas Quite similar to the true story. The main difference is the name. Kyle in real life is Dale and his favorite train is Henry thomas tank engine. This became the name of his dog. The family was so proud of their dog that they let Henry race and share his story. This is the author of Lindsey Hill after thomas Learn about special animals.

Strange (2015)

Oddball and its owner sit on the island and watch the penguins

strange Follow a chicken farmer and his plan to save endangered penguins on a nearby island. At night, he sneaks his Maremma to the island, where he protects the penguins from hungry foxes.

strange is one of the best Australian movies about dogs. According to “Sydney Morning Herald”, there are some deviations from the real story in the movie. These differences are mainly about chicken households. In the movie, his wife is dead and he has a daughter. In real life, he has an ex-wife and several daughters.


Corlia sat with Palma on the airport runway

A dog abandoned at the airport with lost veterinary documents. She spent months at the airport waiting for her master to return. The dog meets a boy and they bond right away.

Aside from the dog being abandoned at the airport and the uproar it caused, Palm Doesn’t look like a true story. No boy adopted Palma. Instead, several people applied to adopt her and a woman was selected. As for the former owner, he did not show up to receive his dog. It took him two years to respond to headlines by expressing his desire to keep Parma.

Megan Levy (2017)

Kata Mara as Megan Leavey sitting next to her dog

Megan felt there was nothing left for her at home, so she joined the Marines. She falls in love with a fierce dog named Rex. They travel abroad together, and Rex sniffs out a number of weapons and other belongings before the explosion injures them both. Megan decides to leave the Marines and ask Rex for adoption. When her request was denied, she reached out to the public for help.

Megan and Rex have one of the best human-animal friendships in movies and in real life. Megan Levy Changed some parts of the story, mainly why Megan joined the Marines. The real Leavey says 9/11 inspired her to fight for her country. The film only showed a few scenes of her on foreign battlefields. In fact, Megan and Rex have been serving for almost three years, and they’ve done over 100 missions together.

Red Dog (2011)

john caresses the red dog in the movie

red dog Follow a dog in Australia and be loved by the people around. He fell in love with a bus driver named John and stayed by his side until John’s tragic death. Red Dog traveled halfway around Australia trying to find John before returning home. He was poisoned by an unknown person, and he died in his master’s grave.

red dog Seems to be consistent with the true story, though some specifics remain unknown. For example, the dog is known to be a lot around Dampier and following people around, but very few of the dog stories in the movie can be verified. When it comes to John, he is a down-to-earth person, but not much is known about him other than his profession. Despite the uncertainty, red dog is a good film that captures the theme of loyalty and friendship.

Hachiko (2010)

Richard Gere hugs a dog in Hatch

Hachiko: The Story of a Dog tells the story of a dog that shows up at a train station and captures Parker Wilson’s heart. Parker adopted the dog, and Xiao Ba sat at the train station every day waiting for him to leave work. One day, Parker died and did not return. Hachiko, who was loyal to his master, stayed at the station waiting for his friends.

Hachiko is one of the most famous dogs in cinema history. It is also considered one of the saddest dog movies of all time. The true story is just as sad, but there are some key differences between the movie and reality. The events that inspired the film take place in Japan. Hachiko’s owner, a professor, didn’t come home for a day, and the dog waited at the train station for 9 years until he passed away.

Togo (2019)

Willem Dafoe in Togo

An epidemic of diphtheria has reached the town, killing many children. A tonic has been produced elsewhere, but a storm threatens the way to their antidote. Sepala reluctantly agrees to take her dog on the journey. Togo, a dog born with developmental problems, defies danger and leads a dog sled in search of an antidote.

Go Consistent with the true story. Even small moments like him jumping out of a window happen. It is also precisely that Balto gets most of the credit for bringing home the antidote. Go is a suspenseful yet heartwarming family drama that forces viewers to think differently about a story they probably already know all too well.

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