Rick And Morty: 20 Best Rick Sanchez Quotes (So Far)

Long-time viewers of the show know that the best Rick And Morty quotes come from Rick himself. The most memorable Rick Sanchez quotes are either hilarious, or deep, comedic examinations of humanity, technology, and/or philosophy. Undoubtedly, Rick Sanchez exudes a blunt nihilism and arrogance to counterbalance Morty’s naive optimism.

Throughout Rick and Morty, Rick Sanchez’s lines help convey his critical eye and pretty grim outlook on the universe – the cynical wisdom that comes with being an interdimensional legend who’s seemingly done and seen it all. While there’s no question that the right decision was made when Justin Roiland got fired from Rick and Morty, it’s only right to acknowledge his contribution to the show and the iconic mad scientist. That said, if there’s anything that the 20 best Rick Sanchez quotes reveal, it is that the show’s writers made Rick and that not even Roiland’s exit from the show can ruin the craziest Rick Sanchez lines.

“Rick And Morty, Forever And Forever, A Hundred Years Rick And Morty, S… things!”

“Pilot” – Season 1, Episode 1

Rick monologues at a paralyzed Morty in Rick and Morty

This is just a small but memorable part of the final scene in the Rick and Morty pilot episode, in which Rick goes on the first of his famous monologues to a paralyzed Morty, mostly improvised by Justin Roiland. This Rick and Morty quote is not emotional or overly thought-provoking, but it is iconic and memorable for its sheer ridiculousness and improvisational nature. This would not be the last time a moment like this occurred. In fact, Rick’s first crazy rant was mirrored in the Rick and Morty season 6 ending.

“What, So Everyone’s Supposed To Sleep Every Single Night Now?”

“Pilot” – Season 1, Episode 1

Rick and Morty Pilot

When Summer accuses Morty of being out with Rick all night during an early scene of the pilot episode, he defensively responds, “What, so everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night now? You realize that nighttime makes up half of all time?” The quote isn’t just a humorous bit of dialogue – it also informs the viewer that Rick values his time significantly. This is one of the simpler Rick and Morty quotes, but it stands out for also being a clever bit of exposition.

“This One Will Not Be Directed By Ron Howard.”

“The Old Man and the Seat” – Season 4, Episode 2

Rick uses his secret toilet in Rick and Morty

When Rick finally gets to poop in peace at his majestically relaxing toilet situated in the isolated wilderness of a foreign planet, he utters the line, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a quick solo adventure to go on, and this one will not be directed by Ron Howard.” Rick and Morty’s poop/toilet episode is undoubtedly tragic. Yet, it ends emphatically with this gem – which is in reference to Ron Howard taking the directing reigns of Solo: A Star Wars Story. It’s taken to another level of hilarity when Jerry says that he would be honored to have Ron Howard involved when he does his business.

“I Always Slay It, Queen.”

“Claw And Hoarder: Special Ricktim’s Morty” – Season 4, Episode 4

Fire-breathing dragon in its lair in Rick and Morty

When a dragon arrives at the steps of the Smith home, Summer turns to his grandpa and asks, “Are you going to slay it?” which prompts Rick to reply, “First off, I always slay it, queen.” It’s a genuinely surprising response because no one really expected the greatest boomer of all time to suddenly go Gen Z. Apart from this being one of the most memorable Rick Sanchez lines from Rick and Morty season 4, it’s notable how the episode’s title is a reference to Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, one of the darkest police procedurals on television.

“I’m Pickle Rick!”

“Pickle Rick” – Season 3, Episode 3

Pickle Rick on his work table in Rick and Morty.

“I’m Pickle Rick” exemplifies the genius behind the branding of Rick Sanchez. Apart from being one of many Rick and Morty quotes that look good on any t-shirt, this defiant and proud statement comes from a grandpa who found a way to get out of going to therapy with his family, only to find himself walking straight into their therapist’s office. The three-word catchphrase is not only funny, but it also remains a succinct reminder of Rick’s inner feelings, which Rick struggled to confront at the time.

“Charging Into ‘Em Like A Bull — That’s How We Grow As People.”

“Pilot” – Season 1, Episode 1

Rick puts his hand on Morty's shoulder while talking to him in Rick and Morty.

Sure, this inspirational quote from Rick might just be a disingenuous pep talk meant to coax Morty into collecting Mega Tree seeds – but it still stands as a pretty awesome line. While many other Rick and Morty quotes also reveal the reckless nature of Rick Sanchez, this quote is a peek into what Rick was like back when he was a leader – especially when the full line is considered. “Listen to me, Morty. I know that new situations can be intimidating. You’re lookin’ around, and it’s all scary and different, but y’know … meeting them head-on, charging into ‘em like a bull — that’s how we grow as people.”

“Love Is Just A Chemical Reaction That Compels Animals To Breed.”

“Rick Potion No. 9” – Season 1, Episode 6

Rick Potion No. 9 Rick and Morty

There’s probably no better example of Rick Sanchez’s nihilistic, no-nonsense view on modern society than this comment about love. “Rick Potion No. 9” sees Morty requesting his grandfather to concoct a potion that will make Jessica fall in love with him. In the Rick and Morty season 1 episode, Rick doesn’t just initially turn him down, but even downplays the nature of love itself. “…what people call “love” is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science.”

“Get Out Of Here, Summer! You Ruined The Season 4 Premiere!”

“Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat” – Season 4, Episode 1

Rick and Morty Summer Ruin Season 4 Premiere

One of the funniest moments during this crazy Akira spoof takes place at the very end when Summer begins teasing Rick and Morty about their “testosterone-addled third-grade boy” attitude. At the same time, they rave about the adventures they will have – and won’t have. Prior to Summer becoming a more central character in Rick and Morty season 6, this moment is a throwback to the time she was treated as more of the comedic punching bag than the main character, as Rick busts out this humorous fourth-wall-breaking line. Somehow, and for whatever reason, Rick and Morty cursing out Summer to close out the season 4 premiere proved both amusing and fitting.

“Welcome To The Club, Pal.”

“Something Ricked This Way Comes” – Season 1, Episode 9

Butter Robot in Rick and Morty

During a classic intro scene at the dinner table that blends lighthearted humor with a depressing dose of philosophy, a small robot asks Rick what his purpose is. Rick replies, “to pass butter.” After accomplishing this task and pondering his true worth, he asks again, only to be informed that this is his only purpose. The distraught robot hangs his head in sadness and can only mutter “oh my God,” before Rick replies, “welcome to the club, pal.” One of Rick Sanchez’s greatest inventions, the butter-passing robot being adorable makes this existential confrontation all the more horrific and hilarious.

“I Invent, Transform, Create, And Destroy For A Living.”

“Pickle Rick” – Season 3, Episode 3

Pickle Rick attacks rats in Rick and Morty

Compared to other Rick Sanchez lines, what’s brilliant about this quote is its double meaning. Alone, the quote is a bold declaration of one’s identity. In the context of the episode, however, this line exposes how far Rick will go to avoid facing his issues, head-on.

“I Want That Mulan McNugget Sauce, Morty!”

“The Rickshank Rickdemption” – Season 3, Episode 1

Rick talks to Morty about wanting the schezuan McNugget sauce

The running joke about Rick’s love for the promotional McDonald’s Szechuan sauce is one of the best in the series and helped spawn another iconic monologue as Rick showcases just how off the rails he can go. The entire monologue sees a scared Morty quiver as Rick confesses how he beat Jerry, how he got everybody on his side, and how nobody would believe Morty if he was to tell them this. He then diverts on a mad tangent that is utterly hilarious. Hearing Rick so rabidly declaring his desire for the McNugget sauce makes for one of the funniest Rick and Morty quotes.

“Sometimes Science Is More Art Than Science.”

“Rick Potion No. 9” – Season 1, Episode 6

Rick argues with Morty in Rick and Morty

When Rick’s potion goes awry and produces the undesired effects of turning all infected by it into Morty-obsessed, Cronenberg-inspired flesh monsters, Rick shrugs it off and claims that “sometimes science is more art than science.” 30 Rock‘s Dr. Spaceman couldn’t have said it better himself. On one hand, this is one of those rare Rick Sanchez lines in which he admits that even science itself isn’t perfect. On the other hand, Morty and the audience know that this is just Rick once again hilariously finding the perfect excuse.

“Worse, You’re Smart.”

“The ABC’s Of Beth” – Season 3, Episode 9

Rick and Beth work in Rick's lab in Rick and Morty

With “The ABC’s of Beth” exposing Beth’s complicated childhood, Rick tells Beth that she is exactly like him, and Beth asks Rick, “Am I evil?” In a rare poignant moment between the two most dangerous characters on the show, Rick tells his daughter, “Worst, you’re smart.” Though this was followed by more Rick and Morty quotes that further unravel their complex father-daughter relationship, this one line stands out because it encapsulates Beth’s entire identity crisis in Rick and Morty, and her realization that – for good or bad – she is indeed exactly like her father.

“The Second He Reveals He’s Evil We’re Gone.”

“Rickmurai Jack” – Season 5, Episode 10

Rick and Morty dine with Evil Morty

The Rick and Morty season 5 ending finally paid off the teased Evil Morty storyline and saw him meet Rick and Morty in what is an undoubtedly brilliant and explosive encounter. Momentarily complying with Evil Morty’s requests, Rick says, “Fine, I could eat. But the second he reveals he’s evil, we’re gone.” Of course, Rick can smell the trouble a mile away, and it bores him. Fans are rarely surprised by Rick’s genius anymore. What makes this one of the best Rick Sanchez lines, though, is how it showcases his underestimation of everyone else and of Mortys, specifically. Evil Morty would later prove this to be one of Rick’s biggest mistakes.

“Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!”

“Meeseeks and Destroy” – Season 1, Episode 5

Rick And Morty Wubba Lub A Dub Dub Line

actually means, “help me, I’m in great pain,” in Birdperson’s language, as Rick’s bird companion informs Morty during the episode “Ricksy Business.” Indeed, though Rick first utters the catchphrase in “Meeseeks and Destroy,” “Wubba lubba dub dub” has become a recurring joke in the series. At the same time, it’s a cry for help that betrayed Rick’s inner thoughts – before he actually made breakthroughs in the show.

“The Universe Is Basically An Animal.”

“The ABC’s Of Beth” – Season 3, Episode 9

Rick And Morty ABCs Of Beth Mechanical Hand

explained Rick. “The universe is basically an animal. It grazes on the ordinary. It creates infinite idiots just to eat them.” Indeed, whether Beth is a clone in Rick and Mortynever truly mattered – like Rick, every version of Beth has all the potential in the multiverse. This line sees Rick finally confronting Beth’s side of why they have such a strained relationship.

“To Live Is To Risk It All.”

“Rickmancing The Stone” – Season 3, Episode 2

Rick speaks with Summer and Morty in Rick and Morty

and Rick takes that concept a step further with this gem of a line: “To live is to risk it all; otherwise, you’re just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you…” Apart from being one of those rare Rick Sanchez lines that inspire true positivity, this quote is well-placed in Rick and Morty‘s Mad Max episode.

“You Still Have A Right To Take Anything You Want Seriously.”

“Final DeSmithation” – Season 6, Episode 5

Rick, Jerry and Jerry's Mom in Rick and Morty season 6

Though it’s clearly a slight against Jerry’s extreme ignorance, within the context of the scene, it also shows how Rick finally really accepts Jerry as a real person, a sentient being who can make up his own mind – a revelation for those familiar with Rick and Jerry’s dynamic. It’s also a hilariously apt reply to Jerry, whose sheer cluelessness and incompetence are matched only by his unnatural willpower.

“Weddings Are Basically Funerals With Cake.”

“The Wedding Squanchers” – Season 2, Episode 10

The Wedding Squanchers Rick and Morty

What makes this one of themost memorable Rick and Morty quotes of all time is not how Rick dunks on Jerry. Though the personal insult makes the line sweeter, the first sentence alone is sheer vitriolic poetry. Using the absurdity of cake being served at a funeral, Rick lambasts the entire institution of marriage – an insightful one-liner that belongs just as much in Rick and Morty as it does in any Netflix stand-up comedy special.

“I Don’t Care. I Ain’t Rinsing.”

“Night Family” – Season 6, Episode 4

Hilariously, this Rick and Morty quote from “Night Family” reveals – in so few words – just how far Rick will go in order to avoid chores. This episode begins with Rick unveiling yet another questionable invention. In a process not unlike how the brain chip in Severance works, Rick’s new machine separates a person’s personality between their original self and an alternate “night person,” whom Rick uses for work he doesn’t want to do himself, like washing the dishes. After the Smiths eventually abuse the technology, the alternate “Night Family” holds them hostage and threatens Rick, whose only reply is, “I don’t care. I ain’t rinsing.” – the very peak of lazy Rick.

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