Rick Grimes Walking Dead Spinoff Footage Supports A Popular Theory About His CRM Role


  • Early footage from The Walking Dead: Those Who Live supports the theory that Rick Grimes has been working as a zombie exterminator for CRM.
  • The scene in the trailer where Rick kills zombies confirms that he has been performing undead culling duties for CRM.
  • Rick’s special status within CRM raises questions about why they keep him alive and why he is considered a valuable asset despite his lowly position.

The Walking Dead: The Living Details are still scarce, but early footage supports a popular theory about what Rick Grimes has been up to since being captured by CRM.Now officially set for release in February 2024, here’s a brief but tantalizing new trailer The Walking Dead: The Living Debuting at NYCC 2023.In one out-of-context action shot, Rick slashes at flaming zombies with an axe, it’s an etched iPhone that bears a striking resemblance to the one Michonne discovered shortly before. The Walking Dead The exit was revealed, with Michonne herself proving that those swordplay skills haven’t diminished since season nine.

Andrew Lincoln’s Rick Grimes makes a surprise last-minute appearance The Walking Deadending. In this glorious and mysterious scene, Rick is chased by a Citizens Republic military helicopter, but it’s his costume that causes the biggest stir.Rick’s jacket was identified as Silas’s The Walking Dead: The World Beyond The soft-spoken teen was captured by CRM and assigned to a cull mission. Day after day, Silas and his fellow workers are asked to kill zombies in a closed area.Rick wears similar gear The Walking Dead A cameo in the series finale hinted that he was given a culling job by CRM after being kidnapped.

Andrew Lincoln plays Rick Grimes and CRM employee on The Walking Dead

since The Walking DeadThe series finale depicted Rick Grimes on the run, and it’s equally plausible that Rick escaped from CRM by disguising himself as a zombie exterminator and rushing to freedom.new living people However, the video played at NYCC all but confirmed that Rick had indeed been performing undead culling duties for CRM. When Rick Grimes kills a zombie, its rotting head pokes out of a brick wall, a group of workers can be seen in the background. Although the numbers are out of focus, the same CRM jacket with orange armbands is still visible.

This scenario likely occurred at the same CRM culling facility that Silas served in 2017. The Walking Dead: The World Beyond, Rick takes the undead to town and inevitably wins “Employee of the Month” for the umpteenth time.Rick’s jacket The Walking DeadAs such, the final episode is almost certainly his, since mindless slaughter of the undead has become his daily routine since CRM took his injured body away in a helicopter. The Walking Dead Season 9.

Rick’s CRM job adds mystery to his ‘Walking Dead’ spin-off story

CRM in The Walking Dead: World Beyond eliminates employees

as the picture shows The Walking Dead: The World Beyond, in CRM, killing zombies is considered a menial, low-level task. The job is often given to teenagers like Silas’ group and viewed as a punishment assignment or the first step on the military ladder. This doesn’t sit well with the special position Rick Grimes clearly holds within CRM.When Jadis discusses Rick The Walking Dead: The World Beyond In season 2, she describes him as “valuable“To the boss. Further hinting at Rick’s importance, the helicopter from CRM The Walking DeadThe final episode was about trying to recapture Rick and drag him back instead of simply shooting him like most escaped prisoners.

If Rick’s only contribution to CRM is routine, monotonous zombie killing, it raises questions about why the villains keep him alive, and why Jadis considers him a valuable asset. Two possible explanations emerged. First, the CRM may have recognized Rick’s greatness as a leader and warrior, but he was sidelined by his duties as a result of his refusal to actively participate in their genocidal crusade.

Another possible explanation is that Rick’s position is the same as Dennis’s. The Walking Dead: The World Beyond – Official in charge of CRM culling facility. Such a position is still well below Rick’s skill level, as even Dennis considers it a huge demotion.Still, being a facilities manager means at least The Walking DeadThe former protagonist and former leader of Alexander is not just an ordinary CRM worker living people.

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