Rick & Morty: Scary Terry Is A Perfect Freddy Krueger Parody

rick and the deadThe Horror Terry is loved by fans for his impeccable mimicry Nightmare on elm streetFreddy Krueger. Written by Robert Englund in eight feature films and two parts freddy’s nightmare An anthology drama series, Freddy Krueger is undoubtedly one of the most iconic horror villains in the history of the genre. Almost every aspect of Freddy’s contributed to his reputation, from the red and green striped sweater to the custom knife gloves he used to slash his victims.

Aside from his wardrobe and weapons, Freddy’s most famous feature is undoubtedly the bra he dropped before killing his target. This didn’t really become a thing until Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, But Freddie’s empty words quickly became one of the most talked about aspects of his personality. These lines also often include the word “bitch”, apparently added to emphasize Freddy’s disdain for his opponents, many of whom foolishly thought they had a chance of stopping. him forever.

in spite of rick and the deadTerrible Terry is far from the first attempt to impersonate Freddie Krueger – The SimpsonsHorror tree house The story “Nightmare on the Rooftop” is brilliantly done – it’s arguably the best story of its kind. that’s why.

Rick and Morty: Terrible Terry is a perfect parody of Freddie Krueger

Scary rick and morty terry

Surprisingly, considering her popularity, Scary Terry really only appeared in one episode Rick and Morty. That episode, right near the beginning, was called “The Lawn Mowing Dog” and was in fact only the second episode of the show to air. The plot sees Rick and Morty begin to enter the dream of Morty’s math teacher, hoping they can get Morty to get an A in his class. As usual, things take a strange turn for Rick and Morty when they both meet the fearsome Terry in the dream world, who hunts them down through various dreams. As Rick pointed out, Scary Terry seems to be a “A legally safe replica of an ’80s horror character with miniature swords in his fingers instead of knives“.

Every aspect of Freddy Krueger has been modeled by Scary Terry, from the knife that turns into a sword, to the striped sweater that is now turquoise, the felt hat he wears, to the disfigured skin, now purple. . Terrible Terry also has a set of testicles on his chin, but it’s neither here nor there. His distinguishing feature is his tendency to add “bitch!” basically every line of dialogue. In an interesting twist, however, Terry proves himself to be a round-the-clock villain, returning to his wife Melissa and young son, the dreaded Brandon, at the end of the day. Rick and Morty befriend the creepy Terry, after a kind gesture that makes him hilariously exclaim “Wow, bitch”. Interestingly, Robert Englund himself was asked what he thought of Scary Terry and expressed agreement in submitting it.

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