Scandal of Depakine : the court recognizes the responsibility of the State

The drug, which has been on the market since 1967, is a source of high risk of birth defects in the fetus if taken by pregnant women. justice admitted by eating

The drug, which has been on the market since 1967, is a source of high risk of birth defects in the fetus if taken by pregnant women.

On Thursday, the judiciary recognized for the first time the state’s responsibility in the Depakine scandal, ordering it to compensate three families whose children were severely disabled after being exposed to anti-epileptic drugs in utero.

The Administrative Court of Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) assessed that the responsibility was shared equally, to a lesser extent, by the Sanofi laboratory and the doctors who prescribed the drugs.

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The State was ordered to compensate each family in the amount of approximately EUR 200,000, EUR 290,000 and EUR 20,000, depending on the date of birth of the five children in question, who are between 11 and 35 years old today. “He failed to fulfill his obligations by failing to take appropriate measures and took responsibility,” the court said in a press release.

The family lawyer, Charles Joseph Oudin, welcomed the “good decisions”, especially since they also assume responsibility for the laboratory, while announcing that the plaintiffs “will call three folders”.

autism excluded from benefits

At the hearing on June 24, the public reporter advocated the payment of compensation to the victims and their parents of up to 152,000 euros per person. “I salute the state’s sentence, we expected it, the court also recognizes the responsibility of the doctors who prescribe the medication,” Navy Martin, president and founder of Apesac, an association to help parents of children with anticonvulsant syndrome, who represents 7,500 victims, told AFP.

“But I’m angry because 80% of children born before 2004 are excluded from benefits,” she says, recalling that “autism disables them for life.”

in fact, in the case of a child born in 1985, the judiciary found that “only the risks of malformations were sufficiently documented to alert the health authorities”, but that the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism was not sufficiently known at the time. Hence the appeal in three cases, Joseph-Oudin told me.

Read our full file

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The number of children disabled by sodium valproate, the molecule found in Depakine and used against epilepsy and bipolar disorder, is estimated to be between 15 and 30,000, according to studies.

Date updated: July 2, 2020, 12:58 pm

Categories: Optical Illusion

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