Serena Mckay Autopsy Report: Indigenous Woman Murder Case

The Serena McKay video leaked on social media has been widely criticized, highlighting the urgent need for better content control guidelines.

When a video of the brutal beating and eventual death of girl Serena McKay appeared on Facebook, the entire world was shocked.

In today’s generation of the internet and social media, it doesn’t take time for a video or content to go viral.

As such, the gruesome video soon went viral, sparking public outrage and raising important questions about the role of social media in broadcasting violent content.

Many believe that the video related to Serena’s murder should be removed from Facebook. This article explores the details of Serena McKay’s autopsy report and more details about her murder case.

Serena Mckay autopsy report: Indigenous woman beaten to death

During the trial of the two accused murderers, a pathologist stated that McKay most likely died of hypothermia because his injuries prevented him from escaping the cold.

Reports also suggest that the alcohol level in his system was high. According to her testimony in court, Serena had 67 wounds on her body at the time of her death.

The death of Serena Mckay is one of the tragic events that occurred in mid-June 2023. She was brutally murdered and a video of the incident was even recorded.

Serena McKay autopsyAutopsy reports for Serena Mckay suggest that she died of hypothermia and excessive alcohol consumption. (Source: Global News)

A short, full version of the murder video was shared on Facebook, where it was posted for at least three days before it was taken down.

According to RCMP, the video can still be shared to the page via Facebook Messenger even though it has been removed.

Although it is not illegal to post videos of assaults online, those who do so without helping the victim can be accused of being an accessory.

The video is spread through personal messages. Therefore, the police are skeptical that Facebook can stop spreading such content because of this.

Details of the clip of the Serena Mckay incident that went viral

The murder was documented (probably on a cell phone) and posted on social media; The bloody video spread on Facebook in short and long version.

The video shows a young woman being repeatedly kicked and kicked in the head as she lies on the ground, barely conscious and covered in blood.

Viral Facebook video of Serena McKayAfter posting a live video on Facebook covering the Serena McKay murder incident, two teenagers have been arrested. (Source: The Mirror)

Extended footage shows the victim’s head being trampled under a heavy boot, blood and facial injuries, and the sound of bones breaking during the attack.

Both female and male voices can be heard on the recording, but it is not clear how many people are in their immediate vicinity, apart from two girls.

The victim screams, “I’m so sorry,” but there’s no explanation as to why Serena was targeted or what she regrets.

The victim hears the woman say: “If you send someone after me, I’ll kill you. I will kill you personally.

The younger suspect posted a Snapchat selfie later that night showing himself urinating blood and smiling, along with the caption “just chillin’.”

One of the alleged suspects allegedly told the Sagkeeng resident via instant message that he broke the victim’s nose before fleeing, but that she was still “fine” and “getting up and walking.”

Related Article: Serena McKay Video Leaked: Beaten to Death Facebook Live Stream Goes Viral

Suspects in Serena McKay Murder Case: Arrest and Charges

Two teenagers, aged 16 and 17, were detained after the body of Serena McKay was found at Sagkeeng First Nation on April 23, 2017.

Because she was a minor when the incident occurred, one of the girls, who has since turned 18 and cannot be named, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in December.

The girl should receive the maximum sentence of seven years, which both the Crown and the defense recommended during the Winnipeg trial.

They could not agree on how long he should remain in custody. The defense asked for just one year in prison, with the rest of the time served in the community, while the Crown asked for four years.

Serena McKay’s attackers were identified, resulting in legal action with one of the girls involved pleading guilty.

Serena McKay’s family, community and the seriousness of the crime must be considered when the court determines the appropriate sentence.

Also read: Rolf Harris Controversy and scandal: Was he in prison before his death?

Categories: Biography

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