Several thousands of demonstrators in France for the regularisation of undocumented migrants

marches have been organized in Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Grenble, Montpellier, Rennes or Strasbourg. “No human being is illegal” : the many thousands of people

marches have been organized in Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Grenble, Montpellier, Rennes or Strasbourg.

“No human being is illegal” : the many thousands of people, many of whom are undocumented, have shown this Saturday in Paris and several other cities to demand their regularisation and housing.

READ ALSO >> undocumented on two does not use the State medical aid, according to a study

In the march in paris, many protesters sported a sign in yellow with the drawing of a man’s raised fist. “Regularisation of undocumented migrants. Closure of CRA (administrative detention Centers, ED.) Housing for all.e.s”, could we read among the crowd of several thousand people. The call to protest the outcome of many collective and the March of solidarity.

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Babacar Sall, arrived from Senegal here 3 years ago, revealed for the first time. “We don’t have papers. To eat, it is a problem. Sometimes I do a bit of work in the black, but that is all. I help people to relocate or I do the plumbing. As soon as someone offers me a job I take,” says this 42-year-old who lives in Montreuil. “Before, I worked with the papers of someone but it was taking me too much money,” says this man who has left Senegal and his wife and daughter. “Sometimes I send them 20 euros sometimes 30 as soon as I can.”

‘ Came from Mali, Tidiani Diagouragai, him, came in 2018 in France. “It is hard in Mali, because of the war. I came here to work. But I can’t work because I don’t have papers,” says this man of 36 years old. For Hassan, a Moroccan in France for the past eight years, “undocumented immigrants are part of the economy of France”. He is a pizza maker in Paris, and pays taxes. “I’m here to be regularized. With papers, I could buy a car, to have a home more easily,” he concludes.

“air, air, let us open the borders !”

Same testimonies and words of order in the rest of France. In Lyon, about a thousand demonstrators marched in the quiet to demand “papers for all”. A group of some 200 life-Jackets and yellow trade unionists of the CGT joined the procession.

“air, air, let us open the borders !”, “Stop the insecurity”, “Freedom, equality, backing out!”, “Right to life=right to work !”, could be read on banners and placards. Many protesters were also on hand to denounce the racism and police violence.

in Grenoble, more than 300 people gathered in front of the prefecture. Among them, ChĂ©rif Sheikh, Mali’s 20-year-old hopes to finish his Bac Pro technician of the building next year, and has neither housing nor paper. “I’m doing it with friends and associations for me to stay, but this is not what I want. At the prefecture, we are asked for training but even with it, we reject it. There was a time when it was the boss, it was the contract to work but not the work permit. This is the shit,” says-t it.

in Rennes, they were about 250. In Montpellier, 220 people, according to the prefecture, marched behind banners stating that “no human being is illegal”. In Strasbourg, they were a hundred, including Jibril, of Libya’s 22-year-old tells to wait for 13 months for a response from the Ofpra to his asylum request.

Date Of Update: 20 June 2020, 13:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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