Sexual abuse of minors : Cleat announces the creation of an independent commission

This new body, with its “own budget”, will be created at the General Assembly session on child protection, on November 20 of next year. This is a new organization, right?

This new body, with its “own budget”, will be created at the General Assembly session on child protection, on November 20 of next year.

This is a new organization, created to try to protect children from assault and sexual violence: the Secretary of State for Children and the Family, Adrien Cleat, announced in the autumn the creation of an “independent commission on sexual abuse infantile”, in an interview with the Sunday newspaper.

This body, “with its own budget, will be made up of judges, doctors, psychologists and sociologists”, following the model established by the Catholic Church, says Adrien Cleat. There will also be a General Assembly on child protection, which must adopt measures before November 20.

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“Our model is the Salvation Commission for crimes against children in the Church. This new independent body will focus mainly on the family sphere, where 80% of violence is concentrated, and must first allow us to better understand the phenomenon ”, he says.

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“Incest is the last taboo. The only survey scale, carried out in the United States, estimates that 6% of the American population has been a victim. Transferred to France, this would correspond to 4 million people,” writes the Secretary of State . state.

For Adrien Cleat, “we have to make it clear, as a society, that impunity for sexual relations with minors is over. It’s too easy to say that Matzneff, this is a story about a time, about a scene or an area of ​​​​Paris, man. The real question that we should have asked, that’s why it took them thirty years to come out, and many knew it.”

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Adrien Tab indicates that the bill will be introduced “in 2021” to establish “a unified pilot body, including the state, departments that have been in charge of child care for the last thirty years, and associations” to better address the inequalities in caring for endangered children. .

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It also declares the extension of paternity leave, currently eleven days, with the assessment that “the conditions are met”. “Making it mandatory or increasing the incentive to take it are part of the assumptions of the study,” he reaffirmed there, stating that “only 48% of men on CDD take it, compared to 80% of those on CDI” and that is, ” put an end to this inequality.

Date updated: August 2, 2020 at 11:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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