Spot the 3 differences in 25 seconds: Only 15% manage to do so in that time!

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Unleash your inner detective and challenge your eyes with this fun game of differences! Hone your observation skills and enjoy the thrill of discovering every intricate detail. Don’t wait, start your exciting adventure now!


  • 1 How to play
  • 2 Why play this game
  • 3 Ready, ready, start!
  • 4 Solutions

We are challenging you to find three differences between two pictures in just 25 seconds. The images depict the peaceful scene of a girl lost in the world in her book.

Sounds easy right? Come on, let’s see how sharp your observation skills really are!

How to play

The game is simple but attractive. You will see two nearly identical images of a girl reading a book.

Although at first glance they appear to be identical, they are not. There are three subtle differences between them.

Your task, if you choose to accept it, is to find all three differences in less than 25 seconds. This time limit adds excitement and urgency to the game.

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Why play this game

Our picture comparison game is not only a fun pastime but also helps hone your observation and concentration skills. It’s like a little exercise for your brain! Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of discovering all the truly incomparable differences.

Ready, ready, start!

Now that you know the rules and the benefits of playing, it’s time to get started. Remember, speed is of the essence. So take a deep breath, focus and let the game begin!


Did you manage to find all the differences? Whether you did or not, don’t worry! We have you insurance. At the end of this article we have posted an image with the difference clearly circled.

We hope you enjoy this fun and challenging observation game. Please share this game on your social media platforms and challenge your friends to pass your time!

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If you like this game, you’ll be happy to know that we offer many other games to test your observation skills.

Check out our different games, spot the odd challenges, find hidden object games and more. Keep playing and hone your observation skills!

Remember, the fun doesn’t stop here. We are constantly posting new games and challenges. So keep coming back for more! Good luck and have fun playing!

(c) Illuminate the valley

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Categories: Brain teaser

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