Star Wars: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Anakin Skywalker As A Character

with my appearance Obi-Wan KenobiAnakin Skywalker fans are once again obsessed with this incredible character who gets as close to the main character as possible. Star Wars There is a legend. Whether through TV shows, movies, or extended classics, his characters are often charming and tragic, and the subject of many memes (accurate comments about him and his stories). his).

like most aspects Star WarsAnakin became a meme in a funnier, slicker way – mainly because of some of the dialogue in his prequels – but there are also memes that summarize parts of Anakin’s personality or life.


Anakin Skywalker Star Wars Toy Story Meme

overcome: CBR on Youtube

Darth Sidious promises himself to be Anakin’s mentor and lifelong friend, then assures him of the possibility of saving Padmé’s life, but he never keeps his word, and never keeps his promise. .

One of the many tragic aspects of Anakin’s character is that he loves Padmé so much and just wants to protect her, just like he couldn’t protect his mother. Palpatine hunts this down ruthlessly. Two aspects of Anakin’s personality – his love for Padmé and his charm for Palpatine – fit perfectly into this often hilarious theme. Toy Story Meme template.

there is a way to disobey orders

Anakin and Ahsoka's Jedi Council

Via: Know your Memes

As a Jedi Mentor, Anakin might not be suitable for many apprentices interested in strict adherence to the Jedi Council and its orders, but he and Ahsoka proved to be a match made in heaven, and both are very similar.

They don’t necessarily have to challenge the Jedi Council, but if they feel they have a better or more effective way of doing things, or want to save someone’s life as they did with Plo Koon – and in turn, they challenge the Council. Jedi – they will do it. This was especially the forte of Anakin, who taught Ahsoka that there was a way to defy orders.

Attachments are always a big deal

Anakin Skywalker Garfield expression bag

Via: Reddit

Whether it’s for Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, his mother and wife, or even his trusted companion, Anakin always gives so much love and care that protecting and/ or rescuing them is always paramount.

He’s never willing to give up on anyone he cares about, even if it puts others in danger in his quest to save them. Watch as he goes to the rescue of Artoo clone wars, His fleet was vulnerable when he arrived in Geonosis with Padmé, and even when he took out Ahsoka to save Plo Koon.

jedi board push and push

Anakin and the Jedi meme

Via: Reddit

The Jedi Council regularly angers fans not only with their debilitating arrogance but also with the way they treat others. Fans see, especially in clone wars, The common people lost faith in them due to their ignorance and role in the war. They also see some of them as incompetent.

Just because the Jedi Council doesn’t treat Anakin like royalty doesn’t mean they’re bad guys or Anakin has a point. However, they often despise and abuse him. Anakin herself, in the most recent Brotherhood The novel describes how Mace Windu constantly makes Anakin feel unwelcome, which fans can see from start to finish Clone war And the prequels; even from the first meeting with the Jedi . Council The Phantom MenaceWith that said, this doesn’t justify what Anakin did, but it makes it easier to understand why he ended up falling into the arms of the dark side.

typical tragic character

Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-Wan . Emojis

Via: Reddit

Anakin has always been considered one of the most tragic characters Star Warsnot only in a multilayered and complex personality (which is constantly being built up, but also through the relationships depicted in this precise meme).

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are the closest people to Anakin other than Padmé, and perhaps the only ones before Luke with any hope of helping him before it’s too late. This meme not only summarizes how heartbreaking those breakups are, but also how fans react to seeing them again after a long time.

Anakin really has a trust issue with Padmé

Anakin Skywalker flirting meme

Via: Reddit

especially the prequel attack of clones, Their dialogue is frequently criticized, especially in the scene where Anakin and Padmé try to flirt. When Anakin flirts, his charm cuts through the roof and gets a little jarring Clone war.

This not only illustrates the difference between the two works, but judging by some crowns, it shows how Anakin really loves Padmé and finds it very awkward to be around her because of her feelings. which he does not understand. He distorts his perception of Miraj and does so confidently because there is no real pressure, no emotion involved. In contrast, with Padmé, as this meme shows (aside from being funny), he’s embarrassed by all the conflicting emotions.

another happy landing

Anakin Skywalker Madagascar Meme

Via: Reddit

Along with Hera Syndulla, Poe Dameron and other great pilots, Anakin is known as one of the best pilots in the galaxy. However, he frequently damages his ship, leading to hilarious moments.

Anakin was skilled enough to control the ships in distress and maneuver them to ensure the safety of those on board, but they still made emergency landings like countless times throughout. Clone war and in Sith’s Revenge. As Ahsoka put it in one of her funniest quotes, “He always blamed the ship.”

Anakin doesn’t control everything like his Jedi masters

Anakin and Obi Wan emoticons

Via: Reddit

one thing Clone war The Expansion Rule is very well done, showing that Obi-Wan sometimes struggles with his own feelings and emotions as well. However, unlike Anakin, he can control them rather than let them obscure his vision and judgment.

As this meme hilariously depicts, Anakin struggles more than anything in controlling her emotions and making decisions without emotional investment. In fact, he not only struggled with it, but failed again and again. Watch when he almost kills Clovis, when he kills Sandman, and when he even kills Dooku.

“Calm down Anakin.”

calm anakin . emoticon pack

via: 9gag

The prequel trilogy is a goldmine of meme content and quotes. However, this line from Obi-Wan could very well be the perfect ending to the entire trilogy, not just because it’s wise advice, but because it’s a line that could use a ton of words. dialogue in the following two movies.

Compared to other Jedi, his emotions are on the eleventh level and he often has no control over them. Throughout the prequel and clone wars, Sometimes, even the audience thinks, “Calm down, Anakin.”

he’s finally back

anakin skywalker hayden christensen meme

Via: Reddit

For those who grew up loving the prequel trilogy as their introduction Star WarsYes, Hayden Christensen will always have a bit of a hero, and the public criticism surrounding his performance will always be a little bit bizarre in their eyes.

Objectively speaking, most of the dialogue and writing is for sure very weak, and at times uncoordinated, but Hayden is great. Especially in Revenge of the Sith, He played Anakin brilliantly. Seventeen years later, he’s still doing the same thing Obi-Wan Kenobiendorse the opinions of those who have always loved him.

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