Star Wars: 10 Things Wrong With Luke Skywalker Everyone Chooses To Ignore


  • Luke’s hideout on Tatooine should have been obvious, at the risk of being revealed to be the son of Darth Vader. (150 characters)

  • It seems odd that Luke mourned Obi-Wan’s death more than his own aunt and uncle. (130 characters)

  • Luke’s whiny behavior and temper are often overlooked, just like his father’s. (127 characters)

Luke Skywalker Might Be the Original Hero Star WarsBut there were many flaws with his character that were overlooked over time. Every fictional character has flaws that need to be overcome, and Luke’s journey from farm boy to Jedi Knight is one of the most compelling stories in cinema. However, this has led many viewers to put Luke on a pedestal while ignoring other character flaws.

Some of these questions date back to Luke’s adventures in the original trilogy, while others were created by the new series Star Wars Movies and TV shows.this Star Wars Books and comics try to explain these issues, but most viewers won’t know this, and the stories should always stand on their own.10 aspects of Luke’s character that are most overlooked, even though they cause people problems Star Wars Movie.

10 Obi-Wan hid Luke where the Empire should be looking first

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker on Tatooine

Obi-Wan Kenobi hid Luke and his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru on Tatooine, but the hiding place should have been obvious. Anakin Skywalker knew about his stepbrother, so a trip to the family homestead revealed he had a long-lost son. Leia was better hidden than Luke because Darth Vader had no reason to search the royal palace on Alderaan, and the Organa family wouldn’t let Leia keep the Skywalker name.this Star Wars Books and comics try to explain this away by saying that Anakin will never return to the place where his mother died, but it’s still a huge gamble.

9 Luke seems to be more saddened by Obi-Wan’s death than his aunt and uncle

Luke Skywalker’s Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru

Luke had only been with Obi-Wan for a few days, which made it odd that he mourned the death of his mentor more than the death of his family. Despite seeing the charred bodies of his uncle and aunt, Luke recovers from their deaths relatively quickly, and in many scenes he is disturbed by Obi-Wan’s death.This may be attributed to the editing and the pacing of the original Star Wars movie, but it still felt weird.

8 Luke is very whiny (sometimes more whiny than Anakin)

Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker

many critics Star Wars The prequel trilogy criticized Anakin for being too whiny, but ignored that Luke had the same problem in the original books. He often complains and loses his temper when things don’t go his way, which is especially noticeable during his training with Yoda. Whether a character’s personality comes into play or not is subjective, but as the saying goes “like father, like son.”

7 Luke invades his nephew’s mind (before nearly murdering him)

Luke Skywalker Flashback in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Some viewers accused Luke of even considering killing his nephew, but the actions leading up to this were far worse. Rather than speaking directly to Ben Solo, Luke invades his sleeping nephew’s mind, an act that is generally consistent with the dark side throughout the story. Star Wars Movies and TV shows. Luke then becomes horrified by what he sees in Ben’s mind, ignoring the lessons he learned about visions in the original trilogy. Trying to kill his sleeping nephew was horrific enough, but going against his private thoughts made Luke’s actions inexcusable.

6. Looking for Luke in the sequel is a waste of time

Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars sequel trilogy

The search for Luke Skywalker was a major plot point in the first two films of the sequel trilogy, but that goal ultimately proved pointless. Leia, Rey and the Resistance believe Luke’s return is vital, while Snoke fears the Jedi Order will rise again. However, Luke never had any intention of going back, which also eliminated the tension afterwards. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker It’s revealed that Leia was trained as a Jedi, meaning she could train Rey and become a symbol of hope from the start. Luke may be helpful at times, but his presence never feels necessary.

5 Luke’s plan to save Han makes no sense

Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi

Luke has come a long way Return of the JediBut his strategic planning needs serious work. Luke’s plan to rescue Han makes no sense because it’s too complicated and could go wrong multiple times.Sneaking in and out of his friends again and again made Luke’s subsequent work more difficult and made him Return of the JediThe first act felt redundant and lengthy. Lando had disguised himself as a guard, something Luke and the others could have taken advantage of without going through so much trouble.

4 Luke was responsible for the deaths of millions of people

luke skywalker a new hope

Luke destroying the Death Star is one of the most iconic moments Star Warsbut there’s always a dark twist to it. The Mandalorian Season 2 confirmed that millions of Imperials died on the Death Star, giving Luke an extremely high kill count. Sure, Luke did what he had to do and stopped the planet-destroying superweapon, but he still caused more death than most characters in the book. Star Wars Franchise.

3 Luke feels cold and lifeless in TV show

Luke Skywalker in the Boba Fett books

The Mandalorian and boba fett books Attempting to bring back the look of Luke fans have been wanting to see again for years, both shows failed. Instead of recasting Luke with a new actor, the character was recast using deepfake technology that would look horrifying in reality. The Mandalorian Season 2 finale. Granted, CGI is better at: boba fett books, But there are only so many things that algorithms can do for real people. No matter how good the CGI is, Luke’s limited facial expressions and computer-enhanced voice never capture half of Mark Hamill’s warmth and humanity.

2. So much of Luke’s Jedi training happened off-screen

Luke Skywalker “Return of the Jedi”

Luke’s growth as a Jedi was a highlight of the original film Star Wars trilogy, but so much happens off screen The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.From his personality to his power levels to his fighting abilities, Luke changes a lot between each movie, which felt jarring at first Return of the Jedi. The movie also revealed that Luke hasn’t trained with Yoda since. The Empire Strikes Backmaking his Jedi training confusing without reading Star Wars Books and comics.

1 Luke abandoned his family when they needed him most

Luke Skywalker’s friends and family

Luke’s biggest problem is Star Wars The story follows Ben as he destroys his temple and how he abandons his friends and family. Han and Leia lost their son, Kylo Ren was on the loose, but Luke didn’t take responsibility for his actions and left without even saying goodbye. To make matters worse, Han revealed that those closest to Luke believed he went to the first Jedi Temple, but that didn’t include Luke’s family. Luke’s actions are cowardly and inconsistent with the commitment he made to his family and friends in the original trilogy.This is Luke Skywalker’s biggest mistake Star Wars Many people choose to ignore it.

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