Supernatural: 10 Things Even Diehard Fans Don’t Know About Lucifer

Fans of the supernatural can all agree that Lucifer is an evil demon that no one likes. He has proven time and time again that he can only get out on his own by killing and manipulating people his way. He’s not even as glamorous as the fan-favorite Crowley. Over the past decade, many fans have watched Lucifer destroy everything in his path since the premiere of Season 4.

After watching Lucifer for the past dozen seasons, fans might think they know everything there is to know about God’s fallen son, but Lucifer is known as the ruler of hell for a reason. Every demon and evil spirit in hell is a master of secrets, and Lucifer is no exception. Here are 10 things about Lucifer that even die-hard fans don’t know:

He owns a total of 11 ships

Sam's eyes are red

A lot of fans Supernatural Connect Lucifer with Nick, whom Lucifer uses as his vessel, but there are ten other unhappy souls who are happy because Lucifer has space in their heads. during his ten years Supernatural, Lucifer marries a rock star, a president, Sam Winchester, an archbishop, an executive, Castiel, a random man after Amara robs him of Castiel, and several future generations of an unnamed member family consisting of parents and two children.

Lucifer’s immense strength allows him to burn through veins faster than any other angel, but he seems to have found a solid home in Nick.

His appearance is different from other angels

Every Supernatural fan knows that Lucifer is an outsider when it comes to angels, as he often disagrees with his siblings. But what sets him apart from other angels goes beyond his attitude. Not only his personality is different but his wings are also different. It is not surprising that his wings are larger and more magnificent than the wings of other angels, since he is an archangel, but his feathers also have a different shape.

Normally, the angel’s wings point upwards, but in Lucifer’s case, his wings point outward and downwards more. His wings are not only unique compared to his siblings but so are his eyes. Lucifer’s eyes glow orange-red while the other angels’ eyes glow blue. It could be just another attempt to make yourself feel special to get attention.

he is the first angel to have another angel

Lucifer is a bit overbearing, he often goes overboard and dares to do things that no other angel has ever done. He paved the way for new dark horizons. Not only was he the first angel to fall from heaven, but he was also the first to possess another angel.

In Season 11, Lucifer takes over the ship of Castiel, Jimmy Novak, and Castiel himself in an attempt to defeat Amara. Amara eventually pulled Lucifer out of Castiel’s container in a fit of rage. However, Lucifer still earns the title of being the first angel to have another angel, it’s just another way for him to show off and gloat.

Twice he was overwhelmed by his veins

After seeing Lucifer in Supernatural over the past decade, many fans might consider him one of the most powerful celestial beings. He is, but his power ends there. Lucifer never wanted to admit it for fear it would damage his reputation, but in fact he was subdued twice by his ships.

Sam is the perfect vessel for Lucifer, being able to subdue Dean when Lucifer tries to kill him in Season 5 Episode 22 “Swan Song”. Sam’s love for his brother is stronger than any archangel. Castiel was also able to subdue Lucifer to prevent him from killing Dean, although it took him to full strength. Those two won’t do anything for Dean.

he is the middle child

Psychological research shows that middle kids often need drama so they can still get the attention they want. That’s not true for many middle children, but it certainly makes sense in Lucifer’s case. Lucifer and Raphael are the second oldest in this family, the domineering Michael the eldest and the naughty Gabriel the youngest.

Traditional sibling roles are important in this dysfunctional family. Poor Lucifer will never be able to be as strong and righteous as his brother, and never learn to be as simple as his brother. Being a middle child is tough. Sometimes the only way to ease the pain of inattention is to take over the world.

lucifer means morning star

Many fans associate Lucifer with fire, curses, and hell, and likely think his name has something to do with those. That’s a pretty good guess considering he’s the ruler of hell, but Lucifer’s name is far from that. Lucifer is actually translated as “morning star” or “bright star”.

This is in stark contrast to the fire and rage that Lucifer is often associated with. But Isaiah 14:12 in the Bible is the perfect verse to clear things up for anyone confused about how Lucifer refers to the morning star: O morning star, son of dawn!

Don’t bow until man sends him to hell

Many fans know that Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven by his father God, as he often talks about it to show mercy, although having problems with your father doesn’t give you the right to try to take over. take the world. But why did Lucifer have these problems with his father, and why did things get so bad that God threw him out of heaven?

Lucifer is a bit jealous and can’t stand his father’s act of loving humans more than Lucifer. When God created man, he commanded all the angels to bow before this new creation, but Lucifer refused because he considered humans corrupt and flawed. When he refused to do his father’s will, God rubbed salt into the wound by having his brother Michael kick him out.

turned Lilith into a demon and locked him in a cage

In Season 3, supernatural fans meet Lilith, the white-eyed demon. Although she wasn’t always known as the Queen of Hell, she was once a simple human. When Lucifer was banished from heaven for not bowing to humans, he attempted to prove to his father that he was right about his imperfect creation by twisting and seducing Lilith’s soul. until she became the first demon of Heaven.

Lucifer’s father did not like this little experiment, and to punish him, he forced Michelle to lock Lucifer in a cage. Sometimes, when kids misbehave, parents are forced to pause them for thousands of years so they can really think about what they’ve done.

he is the first fallen angel

Although there are many angels Supernatural As fans saw at the end of season 8, the action was in and there was one angel in particular that started the trend. His name is Lucifer. When Lucifer fell from the sky and became the first fallen angel, he became a trendsetter.

Many angels had just landed on earth, but Lucifer’s heavy fall sent him straight into the depths of hell. Lucifer was kicked out of heaven for disobeying orders, but not all fallen angels are as rebellious as Lucifer, and it’s a difficult act to follow.

lucifer is associated with pride

German bishop and theologian Peter Binsfield theorized that each prince of hell represented one of the seven deadly sins. According to Peter Binsfield, everyone’s favorite villain Lucifer has to do with the sin of arrogance.

While Lucifer is also greedy, jealous, and angry, pride seems to mean the most to him, as his pride has brought him down from heaven. Lucifer is too proud to bow to humans because he believes that humans are below him. But as Darren Bateman said, “Once you’ve reached the top, be careful because the only way left is down.” Lucifer went down.

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