Supernatural: Every Villain Who Broke Into The Winchesters’ Bunker

It is considered one of the safest places on earth SupernaturalBut has the literary world’s bunker always been this safe? After discovering their location is a literary estate, Sam and Dean inherit the bunker Supernatural After the eighth season, the heavily guarded base became their home. The vault is filled with supernatural oddities, dangerous artifacts, and (to Sam’s great pleasure) loads of lore to uncover, SupernaturalTARDIS – A safe haven from monsters and treasures truly befitting of the Winchesters’ stature.

It is said that bunkers provide protection against all possible enemies that a hunter (or member of the intelligentsia) might encounter. Filled with diabolical traps, the mark of Enoch, and enough protection to stop the most fearsome monsters on earth.bunker should It was always a place where Dean could quietly read the latest issue of the Busty Asian Babes, but many bad guys have broken into the Winchester home over the years, starting with the strongest.

Chuck finally reveals his God’s identity in episode 11 “Family Guy” and promptly takes Sam and Dean back to his headquarters to hatch a plan for his troubled sister, Amara. . As the omniscient and almighty creator, it’s no surprise that the bunker can be found and infiltrated with the snap of a finger, even though Chuck sided with the Winchesters Afterward, recent revelations prove that he has always been a villain. The lack of effective defense against God was an issue for Sam and Dean throughout season 15.

Rob Benedict as Chuck God in 'Supernatural'

A few episodes later, after learning the boys’ home address from the oracle Donatello, Amara decides to go to the boys’ not-so-secret location herself. Although the enchantment lasted for a short time, Amala quickly burned the invisible barrier and stepped inside. Fortunately for the Winchesters, no one was home at the time. As God’s sister, it’s no surprise that Amara is able to break into bunkers with relative ease, but she seems to have more trouble than her Almighty brother, perhaps because she’s not. the creator of the Earth.

after success Supernatural Season 12 is safe, and season 13’s “Bring ‘Em Back Alive” is another bad day for The Bunker. Asmodeus, then Lord of the Underworld, entered the war after losing the Angel’s Juice Box, and quickly determined that Gabriel had been captured by Winchester. After Sam, Dean, and Cass refused to hand over Gabriel, Asmodeus essentially shut down the bunker’s defenses and opened the door to his demonic underlings before joining them. As the prince of hell, Asmodeus was already very powerful, but he also devoured the archangel’s grace for a long time. While this wasn’t enough for him to reach the level of God and Amara, it was clearly enough to break through the defence.

By the end of season 13, the bunker was almost as safe as Hogwarts’ Defense Against the Dark Arts department. The replacement Michael crossed the world of the apocalypse, shot straight into the Winchester house and broke through the bunker gate without any effort. Asmodeus used Gabriel’s grace to get into the bunker, and Michael has been shown to be stronger than Gabriel, so the breakthrough is not surprising, especially since the Apocalypse mutant Archangel seems to has an advantage over his brothers.

In many ways, the increasingly crumbling bunker defenses to be expected in a series like The Bunker. Supernatural. After several seasons of near-invulnerable situations, the bunker break-in shows fans that a formidable foe has emerged and poses a significant threat to Sam and Dean. But the more metaphor is used, the less effective it becomes and God represents the worst in the end SupernaturalWinchester bunker now has all the mental protection of a tent.

However, Season 15’s “Galactic Brain” offered a narrative explanation of the bunker destruction. As revealed by Mel the Reaper, the base’s defenses were irreparably damaged after Amara’s attack in Season 11. Although the Winchesters and Castiel believe they’ve fixed it, they’ve only done enough to stop your basic monsters and demons, not the advanced baddies Sam and Dean are hunting. While this wasn’t obvious at the time, it does retroactively explain why villains have had more access to bunkers in recent seasons.

Supernatural Season 15 is currently on hiatus. More news to come.

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