Sweet video. Wonderful friends. Golden Retriever and duck have become truly inseparable friends

The owner of the golden retriever decided to have a duck. The owner’s name is Pam. She added 7 Peking ducks to his farm.

Apparently the golden retriever didn’t want to see these ducks at first. But after a while, the dog often came to see the ducks.

The dog’s name is Barclay. He became interested in ducks. The Golden Retriever only likes the food the duck is eating. He came to eat some duck food.

The ducks chased him away and wouldn’t let him eat their food. A duck named Rudy always chases him away, but the dog often comes back and eats some food.

No one would have thought that a golden retriever and a duck would become inseparable friends. They spent a lot of time together, and the owner often followed them.

They simply started falling in love. Although their friendship seemed strange at first, now they get along very well. The duck didn’t even let the other ducks get close to the dog.

They show their sincere affection for each other. Despite belonging to different species, they found a common language. The duck loves to stroke the golden retriever with its neck.

The dog loves to lick the duck. They are true and loyal friends. They feel safe because they are always together.

Here is a touching video:

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Categories: Trends
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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