That is the take-away of the first week of hearings of the commission of inquiry Covid-19?

The parliamentary investigation commission, which began its first hearings Tuesday in the national Assembly, is intended to “draw the lessons” of the crisis o

The parliamentary investigation commission, which began its first hearings Tuesday in the national Assembly, is intended to “draw the lessons” of the crisis of the sars coronavirus.

France was ill-prepared to the health crisis ? All recommendations have been followed regarding the masks ? The containment was it really necessary ? All of these issues have been addressed during this first week of the hearing of the parliamentary investigation commission of the national Assembly. The goal : to draw on the lessons of the crisis of the coronavirus, which caused the death of nearly 30 000 people in the country (5th balance sheet, the heaviest in the world). Ministers, heads of agencies and health authorities must follow each other in front of mps to answer questions. Several important points have already been covered this week. The Express makes the point.

Tuesday : Jerome Solomon has defended her results

First day of hearing. On the menu : masks, tests, preparation of the countries with health crises… The director-general of Health Jerome Solomon has defended foot to foot the strategy of the authorities. “The whole world has been surprised by this crisis unprecedented, massive, brutal, world”, he stressed at the national Assembly, assuring that no country could “boast of having been ready and have perfectly managed this pandemic”. He, however, said they want to “learn all the lessons in humility”, to prepare for a possible “second wave”.

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Jerome Solomon has traced the chronology of strategic stocks of State of these protection equipment, ordered massively at the time of the threat of the H1N1 influenza virus and then destroyed in part after an audit in 2017 has entered into the poor state of a majority of them. An order of 100 million masks is then placed at the end of 2018, with a decision to evolve “to a stock dynamic, turning”, rather than a massive stock “sleeping beauty”.

But with the outbreak of the pandemic in France, the needs for carers are passed brutally from 3 to 5 million per week to 30 or even 40 million, so that all countries saw as their needs increase, and the main country producer, China, saw its economy crippled, has-t-he stressed. As for the masks to the general public, “we have always followed the international recommendations”, in particular of WHO, assured the director-general of Health. Regarding the screening tests, he defended the arrest of routine screening on march 14, the benefit of a “syndromic surveillance” and a diagnosis based on symptoms, explaining that it made no difference to the care of patients.

Wednesday : the ex-director of public Health France deplores the “belief” of the decision-makers in the ineffectiveness of the masks

But it so happened with these famous masks ? The former boss of the public Health France, François Bourdillon regretted on Wednesday that the “belief” of many health managers in the “non-effectiveness of the masks” for the general public, contrary to the approach of risk reduction advocated by the health care agency. “I think that there was, in the decision-making process, a whole series of people who do not believe actually the usefulness of the masks in the population,” general, he said.

This would explain that only 100 million surgical masks have been ordered in the summer of 2019, to replenish the strategic stock of the State, which had dropped from over 700 million to a hundred million after the destruction of stocks in a poor state.

A report from the infectious diseases physician Jean-Paul Stahl handed over to public Health France in August 2018 advocated yet to provide 1 billion masks: box of 50 masks per household containing a sick person, or 20 million households in the event of injury of 30% of the population. François Bourdillon, director-general of public Health of France since its creation in April 2016, and until June 2019, says he has sent, in September 2018, this recommendation to the director-general of Health Jerome Solomon, stressing that the state of the stocks “does not(tait) not a” protection ” of the country in the event of an outbreak.

he was then given instruction of the order of 100 million masks, which was done, after launching a call for tenders, July 2019 : $ 32 million have been delivered in the current 2019, with the remainder arrived in February 2020, while the epidemic of Covid-19 affected France. The public health specialist also explained that they had asked the departmental officer responsible a “doctrine clear” on the destination of these masks.

Thursday : the risk of a second wave mentioned

The “danger” of seeing a second wave of epidemic Covid-19 to hit Europe is “much more” of its outbreak in South America that new homes have recently emerged in China, said Thursday a member of the Board French scientist Bruno Lina. “It’s a lot more there that the danger lies now,” said the virologist before the commission of inquiry.

The emergence, in recent days, several outbreaks of coronavirus in Beijing raises concerns on the risks of a further spread of the disease in the countries where it was appeared in December. At the same time, the epidemic continues to wreak havoc in South America, especially in Brazil, now the second is the most affected country in the world, behind the United States.

The situation in China shows us, however, “the risk of seeing recirculate the virus, even in the summer,” added Bruno Lina, heard in his capacity of member of the scientific council, together with the president of the group of experts responsible for advising the government during the epidemic, Jean-François Delfraissy, and two other members. “The scientific council considers that, in view of what is happening in South America, the risk of a true second wave coming from the southern hemisphere at the end of October, November or December, is a risk which should be considered,” for his part, underlined Jean-François Delfraissy.

to Have more testing would not have prevented the containment, according to a member of the scientific council

The containment, an excessive measure ? Even if France had been able to perform more screening tests for the coronavirus at the beginning of march, this would not have avoided the need for a containment widespread, said Thursday a member of the scientific Council, Arnaud Fontanet, in the national Assembly. The only countries that have “managed to control” the epidemic, “without confinement” have done “thanks to a whole series of measures” and “not just the tests,” said the epidemiologist.

The subject countries, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore, have also implemented a tracing very active people that have been in contact with the sick, with significant “monitoring computer”, and have the benefit of a “culture of wearing a mask” and “hand hygiene”, was listed Arnaud Fontanet. Despite this, these countries remain today in a “extreme tension” to prevent a resumption of the epidemic of Covid-19, a-t-he stressed. In France, “on the date when the decision was made, we had no choice,” he added, observing that even the european countries where the situation was better controlled had opted for a containment, with the exception of Sweden.

A new containment : mission impossible ?

What are finally the developments to be expected, especially in case of resumption of the epidemic ? “The scientific council considers that, in view of what is happening in South America, the risk of a true second wave coming from the southern hemisphere at the end of October, November or December, is a risk which should be considered,” also stated the president of the scientific council, and Jean-François Delfraissy.

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The scientific council was published on June 5, a notice stating that the scenario of an “epidemic under control” in the next few months was the most probable, but that the government should be fully prepared to anticipate scenarios most unfavourable, for “do not find themselves in the situation experienced on march 12, where the containment had become inevitable, recalled his president in front of the deputies.

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Le Pr Delfraissy has also repeated that a new containment generalized, might be his meaning “possible or desirable”, because “it would not be accepted by the population” and would have economic and social consequences are too heavy. In case of need, considering it rather “containment part” recommended for “older populations, most-at-risk”.

Date Of Update: 19 June 2020, 16:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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