The best race and class combinations for your next WoW Classic character

World of Warcraft has evolved ten times since its original release in 2004. The gaming culture phenomenon has taken over the MMORPG community and has since become one of the largest, most dedicated communities of players ever seen. Those who want to enter WoW today, it may be hard to swallow all that the game has to offer. Those old school players who want to come back WoW they were thrilled when Blizzard announced the release World of Warcraft Classic in 2017. Day 1 fans were able to return to the roots they fell in love with, the races they were first introduced to, and the classes they learned to play.

The most exciting piece WoW Classic the news came at BlizzCon 2021, where developers announced the reboot The Burning Crusade. The original players remember The Burning Crusade as WoWwith the first major expansion, published in 2007. As WoW Classic players waiting for a new expansion will want to check out their current one WoW the characters are at their height. They may even be thinking of making a new one. Anyway, here are the best race and class combinations for you WoW Classic character.

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Protection Paladin tankImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Comprised of humans, gnomes, dwarves, and night elves at this point in Azeroth’s history, the Alliance is a collection of men both high and low. Accustomed to colder climates and embracing nature, they represent both a spiritual and an economic way of life. If you want to play on the traditional good side of this never-ending story, here are the best Alliance races for each class.

The best WoW Classic race for Warrior

Best: Human

By keeping things nice and simple, humans tend to make the best warriors of the Alliance. Their dual-weapon specialization bonuses mean warriors with swords or maces in hand will benefit from a naturally higher weapon skill limit. As mentioned in our example, this means more potential damage, which leads to more rage generation over time. Without strong natural health regeneration, a human warrior can use his human spirit trait to regenerate HP just a little faster.

Runner-up: Gnome

If you’re into PvP, Gnomes are a good choice. They have ways to negate powerful crowd control effects. Warriors need to stay on their toes, so being able to choke off these game-changing CC abilities can help Gnome Warriors avoid a cheap defeat. And their increased engineering skill – a profession that tank warriors can put to good use – is a nice added bonus.

Best WoW Classic Race for Paladin

Best: Human

Just like the Warrior, the Paladin is destined to be Human for the same few reasons: higher base regeneration and a duo of increased weapon specializations. Paladins fight in a few different ways depending on the talent tree they land on, but most of them have clear advantages to the sword and/or mace, making the human’s natural specialization stand out even more.

Runner-up: Dwarf

Paladins and warriors work in a similar way. If you want to focus on PvP, Dwarf’s Stoneform can prevent death from bleed, poison, or disease effects.

Best WoW Classic Race for Druid

The best WoW Druid raceImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Best: Night Elf

Well, this is simple, isn’t it? According to WoW according to lore, only Night Elves can assume the mantle of Druid. This “rule” has been loosened over time, but if you want to ride a Druid in WoW ClassicYou have to be this one high.

All kidding aside, a graceful Night Elf is a strong “choice” for a Druid. Their increased base dodge chance is one of the best things a Feral Druid could ask for. Bear tanks can avoid extra damage and Cat Druids can play with their prey a bit more.

The best WoW Classic priest race

Best: human

This is where things start to get a bit samey. Clerics, known for their powerful healing and strong shadow spells, can greatly benefit from the extra Spirit that being human gives them. That slightly increased regeneration benefits the damage and healing disciplines.

Runner-up: Dwarf

The dwarf actually has a priest-specific racial ability — Fear Ward. If you know what you’re looking for, a Dwarven Priest can negate a potentially lethal fear effect on a party member before it even lands. You might run out of mana faster, but at least you can keep your tank from running into more mobs.

The best WoW Classic race for Mage

Best: Gnome

There’s a reason I used to have vivid dreams of an army of Gnome Mage slowly falling from the skies of Orgrimmar, directing the Blizzard at the ugly orcs below. Gnomes come with increased intellect, giving them a distinct advantage over other races when it comes to spellcasting.

Runner-up: Man

It’s all in the spirit. We’ve been through this.

The best WoW classic race for Rogue

Best: Human

Every man’s right to bear arms pays off again. Despite the focus on daggers of late World of Warcraftlife, WoW Classic encourages Rogues to stick to swords and maces. Just look at that Sap icon if you don’t believe me. This is again a case of collateral damage.

Second place: Gnome/Dwarf

Just like Warrior, Gnomes and Dwarves have their advantages here if your primary focus is PvP. A good Rogue must remain nimble, and a touch of Gnome racial skill can get you back into the action. You can’t stealth even if you’re taking DoT damage of any kind, so popping Stoneform as a Dwarf can help with a much-needed retreat or regroup.

Best WoW Classic race for Hunter

Best: Dwarf

The whole focus on shooting the enemy as a hunter means that only a dwarf can make any real sense here. Much like humans make a nearly perfect warrior, access to a weapon specialization bonus makes a dwarf an excellent hunter.

Runner-up: Man

A lot of early Hunter kills favor melee attacks to finish off your target. You can’t hunt them forever with your gun. Because of this, people make their mark as hunters if you use their sword/axe specialization bonuses.


Troll ShamanImage used with permission of the copyright holder

If you see yourself as a misunderstood villain or someone who likes to use actions instead of words to get their point across, then you’re probably looking for a Horde character. Horde races sometimes struggle to fit well into certain classes. Just as Human reigns supreme with most Alliance classes, Troll stands above the rest of the Horde with one powerful ability—Berserker. Then the Undead come to claim the PvP crown.

The best WoW Classic race for Warrior

Best: Orc

While completely debatable, Orc Warriors have two main racial skills in their favor: Blood Rage and Ax Specialization. Of course, this might come down to one if your strongest weapon ends up being a sword or mace, but it can help. Blood Fury is a concrete 25% increase in melee base damage for 15 seconds every two minutes. Rage was no longer hungry!

Runner-up: Troll

You’ll hear me talk about this a lot in the future, but the Troll’s Berserking skill (10-30% attack speed boost based on low health) can give any class a big boost in potential. Not only is it great for generating Rage on Warriors, but it can also help them use up excess Rage faster with Heroic Strike.

The best WoW Classic priest race

Best: Troll

Tusk Troll wins again solely because of the Enraged. Any increase in speed can help with both damage and healing. You’ll certainly burn through your mana faster if it’s active, but if it means keeping your tank alive instead of letting them die and wipe the party, you’re not complaining. You might want to ask your tank to cool down with big draws though.

Runner Up: Undead

Will of the Forsaken can knock you out of charm, sleep, and fear effects, making it incredibly powerful in PvP, if that’s your cup of tea.

The best WoW Classic Warlock race

Best: Orc

Orcs have this rather unique trait that increases outgoing damage from a pet. It’s easy to see how this would benefit Warlock, who can build entire specs around his incredibly versatile range of creatures. Blood Fury might not be of much use this way, but if things get too close, you can knock them back with a little extra damage.

Runner Up: Undead

Will of the Forsaken, once again, makes the Undead a force to be reckoned with in PvP. Removing or negating the effects of fear, sleep, and charm can completely destroy an attacker’s strategy, giving you an instant advantage.

The best WoW Classic race for Shaman

The best shaman of the Horde raceImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Best: Troll/Orc

The Horde’s answer to the Paladin of the Alliance. As a hybrid class, the race you choose depends on your primary role. Melee Shamans should cast Ork for a basic melee damage boost for Blood Fury, while healers and ranged DPS Shamans will be better served by Troll’s Berserking skill.

Runner-up: Tauren

There’s a bit of guesswork involved with this recommendation, but War Stomp and Endurance could greatly help tank shamans and healers. Farming can help earn the money needed to maintain totem reagents. It’s also the only other combo option on the table.

The best WoW Classic race for Mage

Best: Troll

Troll wins the game again with Berserker. Just like the Priest, this speed boost ability allows the Mage to cast his incredibly powerful spells much faster. It’s an easy way to lower the mana meter, but also a great way to push the target into an early grave.

Runner Up: Undead

You better believe it’s time to scream the benefits of Will of the Forsaken from the rooftops. Crowd Control can make or break a cloth-clad wizard. Better to nip that threat in the bud.

The best WoW Classic race for Rogue

Best: Orc

Rogues pride themselves on killing before being killed themselves, making a basic attack boost like Blood Fury an easy option. Anything to reduce the figurative time to kill.

Runner Up: Undead

While a powerful Troll can help save Rogue from death, the prevalence of Rogue in PvP makes Undead a far more popular option. Will of the Forsaken again plays a vital role in surprising players who think their CC efforts will bring them a quick death.

Best WoW Classic race for Hunter

Best: Troll

Berserking proves his worth one last time here, but there’s more to a troll hunter (not that kind) than just this trait. Trolls also bring bow specialization into the mix, helping them become the Horde’s answer to the Alliance Dwarf Hunter (again, not that kind).

Second place: Orc

Orcs are good hunters in PvP just because of their durability. It’s a relatively trivial skill for anything other than tanks in PvE, but the 25% extra stun resistance can help avoid things like the Warrior’s Charge skill.

Best WoW Classic Race for Druid

Best: Tauren

Just like a night elf Druid, only Tauren can shapeshift and throw out tree beams. If you want to play Horde Druids, you’ll have to go back to nature and apply to Bovine University in sunny Durotar.

Editor’s recommendations

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