The Best Responses to “What Areas Need Improvement?”

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This article was written by Amber Rosenberg, PCC, and wikiHow Staff Writer Bailey Cho. Amber Rosenberg is a professional life coach, career coach, and executive coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has over 20 years of coaching experience and experience in corporations, technology companies, and non-profit organizations. Amber trained at the Coach Training Institute and is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).

In a job interview, the interviewer will probably ask you about an area in which you can improve at some point. This question could put you in the hot seat right now, but answering it isn’t as hard as it sounds! In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to successfully answer the question “what areas need improvement?” We’ll also provide some sample responses so you can easily respond and leave a lasting impression on your interviewer.

  • Think about past job experiences where you failed or didn’t perform as expected, then list the skills or characteristics you want to improve.
  • Reread the job description before finding an answer to identify areas for improvement that are not essential to the main responsibilities of the job.
  • Include tangible steps you are taking to improve your skills, such as taking classes, reading self-help books, or attending seminars.
  1. Image titled Ace a Job Interview (Teens) Step 5

    Look back at your past work experiences for a concrete example. Think about times when you failed or were not as successful as you hoped. Maybe he submitted a project late because he couldn’t manage his time effectively, or maybe he missed a small detail that created more work for his team. Make a list of the skills and qualities you want to work on so that you can develop a concrete example for your interview.[1]

    • Employers look for honest answers that show self-awareness, so avoid bringing up clichés like being a workaholic or a perfectionist.[2]
    • If you don’t have work experience, consider your personal or academic memories. Extracurricular activities, academic programs, and side projects are valuable experiences that can help you develop a response.
    • Think about the areas in which you are only “average” if you can’t identify a major weakness. For example, you can mention that you can speak during meetings, but you want to further improve your communication skills to lead a project.
  2. Identify an area for improvement that is easy to correct. To appear as qualified as possible, choose a skill or quality that is not essential to the job responsibility. Employers know that certain skills can be improved with training and dedication, but others are critical to success on the job. Before composing your answer, re-read the job description to learn which hard or soft skills to avoid mentioning.[3]

    • For example, if you’re a copywriter, you might mention that you struggle with data and analytics, rather than a weakness like brainstorming or copywriting.
    • Or, if you’re applying for a web designer position, you can mention that you have trouble speaking in meetings, rather than technical skills like HTML or Javascript.
  3. Explain the steps you are taking to improve in these areas. Once you’ve identified a specific area for improvement, follow up quickly by explaining how you’re trying to improve your skills. Please list any courses or certifications you are working on (or have completed) to demonstrate responsibility and determination. Employers look for self-motivated candidates, so mentioning these tangible steps can increase your chances of getting a job offer.[4]

    • For example, if you’re trying to improve your leadership skills, you might mention that you’re enrolled in an online leadership program, attend seminars every month, and read self-help books.
    • If you don’t take classes to improve your skills, please list the specific techniques or strategies you use instead. For example, you might say that you practice active listening to improve your communication skills in the workplace.
  4. Keep your answer short and sweet. As a general rule of thumb, keep your answer to no less than 2 minutes and touch on the most relevant points to stay on track. If you tend to ramble, break the question into 4 parts to help you manage your time: list the area for improvement, how it affected you in the past, how you learned to resolve it, and how you are currently working. he.[5]

    • Try to tie your actions to key performance indicators (KPIs), such as improving customer retention, increasing sales by a certain percentage, or increasing overall efficiency.
    • For example, you can say that you have problems with time management and that this has caused you to turn in assignments late in the past. You could then describe how he worked with his former supervisor to find a solution and now plan his schedule each morning to manage his time effectively.
    • Arrange a simultaneous interview with a friend, family member, or professional counselor to practice responding concisely and confidently.
  5. Keep a positive tone when answering. Although it may seem that the answer to this question should be negative, it is actually the perfect opportunity to highlight your potential. Evaluators look for a willingness to improve, so focus on turning your “negative” trait into a positive one. Highlight the steps you’re taking to advance your career, and express your excitement about the results you expect (or have already seen).[6]

    • If you haven’t seen any results from your efforts, express your excitement about what you hope to learn in the role and try to tie it back to your personal career goals.
    • For example, you might say, “One of my career goals is to assume a leadership position in my organization, so I want to improve my skills in this area. Although I haven’t been able to lead large groups yet, I’m excited to learn effective ways to motivate the people on my team with this position”.
  1. Image titled Excuses for working from home Step 20

    Research the company and read the job description. Doing your homework before the interview can help you craft interview answers that match what the company is looking for. Review the company’s website and social media pages to understand their current goals, projects, and future plans. Then, read the job description carefully to identify key skills and abilities to highlight why you’re the perfect fit.

    • For example, if the company is looking for someone who thrives in a team environment, you can provide stories about their successes on team projects.
    • Tip: Check Glassdoor to see if there are any previous interview questions that other people have uploaded.
  2. Do a mock interview with a friend or family member. Ask a trusted friend, family member, or professional counselor to sit with you and ask common interview questions. Craft responses based on the company, job description, and your work and educational history, then practice your responses with confidence. Some common questions include:[8]

    • Can you tell me something about yourself?
    • Can you walk me through your resume?
    • Why do you want to work for this company?
    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10 years?
    • What is your greatest strength?
    • How do you deal with conflict?
    • How did you hear about this position?
  3. Image titled Conduct an in-depth interview Step 10

    Dress appropriately. When you look polished and professional, the employer is more likely to see you as the perfect candidate for the position. Always shower before going to an interview and trim your nails to maintain good hygiene. To dress appropriately for the work culture, check the company website beforehand to see how employees dress:[9]

    • For activities such as business or finance: men can wear a dark suit, long-sleeved shirt, formal shoes, and a briefcase. Women can wear a suit with a skirt, pantyhose and heels.
    • For other office work: Men can wear office slacks, long-sleeved button-down pants, and dress shoes or loafers. Women may wear knee-length pants or skirts, blouses, cardigans, and low-heeled shoes or loafers.
    • For casual or unconventional work: Men can wear a pair of khakis, a short-sleeved button-down shirt, and any closed-toe shoes they like. Women can wear a simple top and skirt or a knee-length dress paired with boots, loafers, or small heels.

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