The best skills in Sonic Frontiers

Sonic has dabbled in many genres throughout his career. It’s obviously best known for its high-speed 2D and 3D platformers, but it’s also starred in racing games, sports games, fighters, and even pinball games. Sonic Frontiers is another 3D adventure, but with a greater emphasis on RPG mechanics than ever before. Not only will you improve Sonic’s stats, including his speed, but you’ll also unlock new abilities through the skill tree.

Only the skill tree in the Sonic Frontiers it’s not too complex. You have a starting point and two main branches, but the number of skill points each skill costs grows exponentially. This makes picking the first skill much more important because you probably won’t get the next one for a while if you don’t like it. Instead of choosing nonsense, here are the best skills to unlock Sonic Frontiers.

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Sonic battles a tower of robots in Sonic Frontiers.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Cyloop is the first skill on the list, and luckily, it’s a good one. It only costs one skill point and you have to get it anyway, but it’s a brand new move that you’ll be using a lot. Here is the description:

“It runs around leaving a trail. Once you create a frame with a light trail and then release the button, different effects can happen.” Basically, you just hold down a button to draw a circle around your target, then release it to affect them in different ways depending on what you’re interacting with, like revealing hidden objects.

Sonic Boom

Sonic attack excavator with long range attack.Prank

This move is much better than the game of the same name, which, to be fair, isn’t saying much. Here’s how it’s described:

“A high-speed kick that releases shockwaves to hit the enemy.” That’s about as much description as you need. You pull off this move by holding the left trigger while performing a combo or while in the air to trigger the move. It deals good ranged damage, plus stuns most enemies, making it a very safe way to attack. Unlocking it will cost you five skills.

Wild Rush

Sonic grinds the arc laser rail.Prank

Wild Rush is the perfect attack for Sonic. It is fast, aggressive and flashy. The description reads:

“A quick, zig-zag attack.” That’s right, as Sonic will circle around his target, unleashing a flurry of attacks. It’s also easy to pull off, requiring only that you hold one of the fenders while attacking. It costs 10 skill points to unlock.

Air trick

Sonic grinds the rail.Prank

The description of the aerial trick will leave you confused, dissatisfied, or both, but in reality, this is a very useful skill. However, it’s not a combat skill and instead allows Sonic to perform mid-air tricks (get it?) that earn skill pieces. The more skill pieces you get, the more skills you can unlock. Useless description says:

“Aerial tricks can be performed when sparks surround Sonic while in the air. Perform aerial tricks to earn skill pieces.” Get this ASAP for just five skill points.

Auto Combo

Sonic in his fighting stance in the latest trailer for Sonic Frontiers.Prank

Auto combos are usually considered sloppy or lazy and take the fun out of games, but Sonic FrontiersCombat is not exactly his strongest component. In fact, the more skills you unlock, the more confusing the different combinations become. Auto-combo takes all the frustration out of executing the right input, even at the cost of some damage, and allows Sonic to perform combos that fit the situation at hand. Here is the description:

“Combat skills that are unlocked will automatically activate during combos. However, the damage dealt will be reduced. After unlocking the skill, you can turn on/off the auto combo from the options.” Unlock this option for 20 skill points.

Fast Cyloop

Sonic dodges an enemy attack in Sonic Frontiers.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

This skill is almost like a dedicated auto combo for the Cyloop move. With it, you can perform a move with the press of a button instead of having to circle your target manually, making it easy to incorporate into your combos. The description reads:

“Press it [the] Y button during a combo. Quickly Cyloop around the enemy when the Cyloop meter reaches maximum and turns blue. The gauge fills with each attack that hits an enemy and can be used continuously while still blue.” Grab this one for another 20 skill points.

Spin Slash

Sonic runs alongside Titan in Sonic Frontiers.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

In the end, Spin Slash is basically a better Wild Rush. It’s a high damage, single target attack that looks and feels great to unleash. A simple description is:

“Encircle the enemy with a multi-hit spin.” It sounds simple and boring, but wait until you see for yourself. Buy it for 40 skill points in the late game.

Editor’s recommendations

Categories: GAMING

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