The Best Way to Save on import duties

The United States is considered one of the leading markets in the world. Although the current pandemic has changed our way of life, online shopping is becoming more popular day by day as it helps people get everything they want from the comfort of their home. Now, if you own a store, it’s time to monitor the market and expand your business to millions of people as there are different ways you can increase your profits, including finding new products. Unfortunately, during Trump’s presidency, he imposed multiple import taxes on foreign goods. What does it mean? This means that Chinese products are much more expensive to import into the US market. While this is done to ensure that the United States will rely primarily on its local products, it ends up costing you and my business more.

Luckily, there is a solution called Canada Fulfillment. Shipping to Canada is the process of buying your products as usual from China, and instead of importing them directly into the United States, you ship them to Canada. Once the item arrives in Canada, you can keep it there until you receive an order from the customer, then you ship it as usual.

Why is this a big deal, you ask?

Simply because Canada does not have the same import tax rate as the US. This means that all import costs associated with purchasing your product are lower.

How can this be?

Well, when you import a product that has been legally cleared and falls under a certain classification, section 321, in this case, it allows those products to enter the US without incurring import duties. This means that if you classify your products under Section 321, you will save a lot of money on shipping.

How can I get a Section 321 classification using the Canadian application set?

First, you must understand that for a shipment to be classified as Section 321, its total value must not exceed $800. At this point, please note that you cannot split an order into smaller shipments as that order will still be counted as one order.

This is where Canadian satisfaction comes into play

If you split your orders into individual shipments in Canada before shipping them to US customers, each order will be classified as Section 321.

How Can You Use Canada Fulfillment?

Well, there are many shipping companies in Canada that can eliminate import costs for US companies under Section 321. Treat them like middlemen on your behalf. For example, they will source your products from China and store them for you. Once you receive your individual orders, the Canadian shipping company will ship the product directly to your Section 321 customer, saving you money.

How much does it cost to use a Canadian shipping company?

When you need high quality service, you will pay high price. However, the cost is lower than the total import tax. Many companies are located very close to the border, can guarantee same-day fulfillment and use all the major US carriers to deliver products. It simply means that you will receive high-quality service and your orders will reach your customers in no time.

Summary of Canadian Implementation

Shipping to Canada is a great way to get your foreign products to the United States via Canada without the impact of import costs affecting your business’s bottom line. While you can try to do it yourself, the safest way is to hire a Canadian freight forwarder to do it for you.

With high-quality Canadian shipping, you can eliminate customs fees while maintaining fast shipping times that meet your customers’ shipping expectations. Furthermore, whether you want to ship electronics or FDA approved products like supplements, tea or food, a Canadian shipping company will make it easy for you while reducing the process. paperwork and streamline your work. With the shipping service to Canada, you also get faster clearance and eliminate 100% of customs fees.

Eliminate import taxes and reduce high shipping costs

When you import your products using Canadian shipping and under Section 321, you avoid paying taxes and duties, saving you thousands of dollars.

Take advantage of fast delivery times

Many Canadian shipping companies are based near the border and work with cross-border express services to ensure fast delivery times anywhere in the United States. After you order your products from China, they arrive at the company’s facility, where they are forwarded to the United States and shipped directly to your customers.

Less bureaucracy

With order fulfillment in Canada, you have less paperwork and less activity. The broker will take care of the paperwork and import of your products into Canada, hold them until the orders are ready and then process the fulfillment of the orders for your clients. The popularity of importing high-quality products from countries like China, and the flexibility that Canada’s Section 321 shipping gives you, gives you the opportunity to compete in the US market. period with lower cost. Careful use of Section 321 will reduce your shipping costs and increase your revenue, ensuring that you are highly competitive in the US market.

Categories: How to

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