The Boys: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About A-Train

It’s impossible to talk about some of today’s most popular and relevant shows without mentioning the cultural phenomenon. boys. The show was an instant hit on Amazon Prime and, quite literally, with boys.

a big part of the reason boys Its characters are so special, each one is memorable. A-Train is one such character – a character that everyone hates. Homelander could easily be the worst member of the Seven, but there’s no denying that A-Train is still the audience’s worst hater. boys – After all, it was his careless behavior that started the events of the show.

Although A-Train’s character is mostly written on T-shirts, there are still some aspects of his character that need to be understood in detail. With that in mind, here are ten A-Train questions to answer.

Why did he give up his brother to become the fastest man in the world?

A-Train ready to race with The Boys

For the most part, it is implied that the relationship between A-Train and his brother is quite strong… but things take a turn for the worse when A-Train chooses Compound V on his brother’s proper advice. me.

The fact that he was even willing to abandon his brother to be the fastest shows how messed up his mind really is… but surely A-Train realizes that his family is important. than drugs? ! Or maybe they weren’t as close as they were on the show…

Doesn’t he know how harmful Compound V is to his body?

Butcher discovered compound V in The Boys

The worst thing about when A-Train chose Compound V and cut ties with his brother was that he was acutely aware of how much stress he was putting on his body.

He completely despised his body—something a running hero should never do—and abusing this drug was downright foolish for him.

Was he stupid enough to forget Hughie’s face?

Boys season 1 is the best Hughie has more action

Although the A-Train had encountered thousands of people in a matter of weeks, the truth was that he should have remembered the faces of the civilians who had entered the Vought building just to apologize to him.

However, that was not the case, and his lazy attitude caused a lot of problems for Seven and Vought in general.

Why did Hughie keep running the A-Train after Kimiko broke her leg?

The Boys Season 1 A-Train Jessie Usher

Hughie hates what A-Train did to his girlfriend, and the man has shown that he’s willing to break up with Seven.

So, oddly enough, with Kimiko’s help, Hughie neither kills the A-Train nor captures him. While side-by-side with a member of Seven has proven to be quite a fun job, it’s still quite confusing.

Why does Hughie keep an A-Train statue in his room after everything he’s done?

A-Train poster from The Boys

Another thing that doesn’t make sense to Hughie is that we can clearly see A-Train in his room in the third episode… even after everything that happened to him during the show.

Considering that he went through severe PTSD after seeing the picture of A-Train in the supermarket, one has to wonder how he could bear to see this guy’s face in his room. me.

Why was column A removed from column seven in such a sensitive time for factionalism?

Seven hands on hips in The Boys

Before the fall of A-Train, Seven went through many reorganizations. Lamplighter leaves the team, Translucent dies, The Deep becomes part of a scandal, and Starlight is a wild card that does more harm than good.

Thus, the expulsion of another member of Seven will certainly seriously affect the spirit of the community, and cause Vought a headache to find a replacement. However, A-Train failed to consider all of this and was unexpectedly kicked out of the team.

Why did Collective choose A-Train Over the Deep to rejoin Seven?

Chace Crawford as The Deep Church of the Collective The Boys

A-Train joins the Collective Church after The Deep invites him, and his main goal is to regain his place in the Seven. A-Train has never really done anything to improve the Church’s reputation, and The Deep has clearly eclipsed him in that regard.

However, when choosing a man to rejoin the Seven, Church chose A-Train over The Deep, which is really confusing. Isn’t the latter better from the Church’s point of view for people to work from within?

Why was he even accepted back into Seven in the first place?

The Seven on Amazon Prime Boys TV

Another question raised after the incident is whether Seven will even bring A-Train back to the team in the first place.

He showed weakness and vulnerability, which led to him being forced to quit in the first place. It seems odd that Vought dropped all that and brought him back instead of trusting someone new and more manipulative.

Why does he blame Hughie for Popclaw’s death?

A-Train and Popclaw among boys

After Popclaw told A-Train that she had revealed Compound V’s secret to the boys, A-Train was almost forced to kill her and cover it up as a drug overdose.

That said, it was Homelander and Walter who forced him to kill Popclaw… however, his sense of denial was so strong that he shied away from all responsibility and instead blamed Huey.

Is his love for Popclaw real?

Exploding claws between boys

Although A-Train ultimately chose his place in Seven because of his love for Popclaw, it’s hard to tell if his feelings for Popclaw were real.

Of course he never went public with their relationship… but he also never betrayed her, making it clear – and showing at some point – that he loved her and that he really couldn’t move on easily after her death.

Which begs the question – does he really love Popclaw or is it just a farce?

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