The company Jetfly, where has worked Djebbari, pinned to its tax practices

According to Mediapart, 34 pilots of the airline are French and resident in France, but their social contributions are paid by Jetfly in Luxembourg. The airlin

According to Mediapart, 34 pilots of the airline are French and resident in France, but their social contributions are paid by Jetfly in Luxembourg.

The airline Jetfly, including the secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari has been director of flight operations, pay to the Luxembourg social security contributions of its employees residing in France, an optimization may violate european law, says this Thursday, Mediapart.

This company manages a fleet of 26 small business aircraft in shared ownership, and employs a hundred pilots under contract in luxembourg.

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According to Mediapart, 34 of them are French and resident in France, but their social contributions are paid by Jetfly in Luxembourg, where they are far less high. A european regulation of 2004 on the coordination of social security systems requires that any employee domiciled in a member State, is affiliated to the social security of that State, therefore that it carries a “substantial part of his activity”, reports the media online.

However, “France is still, by far, the country most served by the company since fifteen years”, says Mediapart, according to which “more than 40% of flights from Jetfly make a stop in france, against less than 3% for Luxembourg”.

“At the heart of a system of “social dumping”

Interviewed by the media online, the director-general of Jetfly Maxime Bouchard ensures that the company “has neither the intention to operate a form of social dumping, nor to subtract any revenue to the French State”.

Jetfly has employed Jean-Baptiste Djebbari between 2016 and his election as member of parliament in 2017 as the director of flight operations, that is to say, the head of the pilot, note still Mediapart, for which he was “at the heart of a system of “social dumping”.

“as the director of flight operations, I can confirm that I was not in charge of the direction of social, fiscal, and HR (human relations, editor’s note) of Jetfly, which is the sole responsibility of the directorate-general”, wrote Djebbari to Médiapart.

Maxime Bouchard, for his part, assured the online media that if Jean-Baptiste Djebbari had to lean on the schedules of the drivers in the event of a “problem” and that “his opinion was also important in terms of recruitment”, he did not have the “responsibility” of these issues.

“The company argued precisely its position in the article, Mediapart, in fact, a different interpretation”, has been observed on Thursday in the entourage of the secretary of State.

“The minister was neither an officer nor a shareholder, nor in charge of social policy, or fiscal of the company, he was in charge of the drivers on the operational plan. Mediapart is trying to tie all this up in a purpose that escapes no one,” according to this source.

Date Of Update: 04 June 2020, 15:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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