The european Commission points out the unpreparedness of France in the face of the coronavirus

“The crisis of the Covid-19 has highlighted a number of gaps in the preparation of the system to situations of pandemic”, pointe on Wednesday the european Com

“The crisis of the Covid-19 has highlighted a number of gaps in the preparation of the system to situations of pandemic”, pointe on Wednesday the european Commission.

The european Commission-art “deficiencies” in the preparation of France to the pandemic of sars coronavirus and asks him to “strengthen the resiliency” of its health system, in the “recommendations” published on Wednesday, the first since the crisis related to the Covid-19.

“The French health system allows to obtain good results in the area of public health. However, the crisis of the Covid-19 has highlighted a number of gaps in the preparation of the system to the situations of a pandemic,” write in this document the services of the european executive, in charge of assessing the policies of all the member States of the EU.

the Lack of protective equipment

In this document, several other countries – such as Italy, Spain, Belgium (and the Uk) – are also blamed for their health care system during the pandemic. Brussels also invites them to the “to strengthen”.

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Concerning France, the european executive points out “difficult to guarantee the immediate availability of health professionals, of essential products and personal protective equipment” at the beginning of the pandemic. Paris certainly has “mobilized its reserve of personnel and equipment medical and paramedical staff,” but “the coordination of efforts between all segments of the health system” remained “difficult”, it was specified.

“structural Problems latent”

Brussels also highlights “structural problems latent” in the French healthcare system, which “arise from a lack of investment in the physical infrastructure and human resources, a limited adaptation of the organization of services and the need for better coordination between private and public actors”.

According to the Commission, these difficulties are aggravated by the persistence of regional disparities”. “Further efforts” “to deliver health services to digital” are necessary, because “telemedicine is important in times of a pandemic,” she continued.

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Brussels recommends that the final in Paris to “strengthen the resilience of the health system by ensuring an adequate supply of medical products is essential and a balanced distribution of health professionals, and investing in e-health”.

Date Of Update: 22 May 2020, 06:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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