The Extra payments on the mortgage?: As a result of low interest rates and less advantageous to

That a savings rate of almost zero, search for a lot of people to have an alternative. The advice often given is to an extra repayment on the mortgage loan. It

That a savings rate of almost zero, search for a lot of people to have an alternative. The advice often given is to an extra repayment on the mortgage loan. It is only by the drastic reduction of the interest rate that is more interesting to become.

Savers who consider to be on the look out for a greater return on their money through Any way have helped in the Geldplan “Saving money, paying off debts or invest”.

This online tool will convert the three options next to each other, and the extra pay therefore, are a great position when it comes to building wealth. Also, the platform Pointer in money matters places the emphasis on the servicing of the mortgage loan.

Often, a better goals for your money, the mortgage payments mortgage rates have been achieved in the meantime to lower and lower levels. Last month, the rate of interest for a fixed-rate period of ten years, even in the 1 percent of the time. Due to the decrease in interest rates, the savings on the monthly charges that people seem to pay more and smaller and smaller.

of Course, the savings rate used to be higher. The balance of the extra payments and other options for personal savings, nevertheless, be shifted? “Yes, yes, I think so, yes. I think there are often better targets for your money, and your mortgage will repay,” says the Spice Kroonbergs.

It was the owner of the Hypotheekshop Den Haag, Bomenbuurt, and the financial planner of the year. If you have a 5 percent interest rate on your mortgage, you may still be of interest. It may be a good idea, but it is, however, dependent on the particular circumstances.” Less personal, less payments Gabriëlla Bettonville, the Little looks, the a lot more positive. “In general, it is convenient to have the lowest mortgage debt-to-have. The less the debt is, the less housing you have, and the easier it will be for your income and expenses into balance. If you have less overhead costs, it is easier for fluctuations or decreases in your income to deal with that.”

She points out that it is a woningbezitter of an optional redemption may also be available in a lower risk category can get. The interest rate on the entire mortgage is falling slightly and this provides an additional advantage for you.

the Money is in the house A very important point, according to the Kroonbergs is that the house owners, who savings and, therefore, with this choice, often a parent. “These are usually people who are further along in their wooncarrière. They are about the only time they need care.”

“If they received extra pay, the money is in the house, and it is very often difficult for the body to have to sell the house. When I ask people why they want to pay, and what they want to achieve, and what their plans are for the next period of time, it appears to be quite often, that pay is not the best option.”

For those of you who have lower payments will, can, renewal is also a possibility, ” said Kroonbergs. “In the end, it is important to do everything in a big picture show. Where do you want to go, how do you plan to get there, and what do you have for the coming years of the plan? After that, you will be a trade-off: do I make extra payments, invest in, or do I leave the money in a savings account to be?”

Date Of Update: 08 March 2020, 19:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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