The Full argument about the Oslo-statues

Recommend these queer movies and series In several countries are now statues of historical persons removed because of their association with the slave trade or

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In several countries are now statues of historical persons removed because of their association with the slave trade or racist attitudes. In the USA has several statues of Christopher Columbus got his head lopped off, while Edward Colston was thrown into the sea in Bristol, England. In Norway the last week attention has been focused on Winston Churchill and the Ludvig Holberg in Oslo.

Over 4700 have signed petition to remove the statues of Solli plass and the national theatre of Holberg and Churchill.

According to, among other things Aftenposten-post doctoral fellow at NTNU, Fredrik Hyrum Svensli, invested the Norwegian-Danish poet and author in the slave trade. Churchill, on their side, should have supposed that the white race was superior.

Support the removal of THE NEW MAN: Actor Iselin Shumba think we are going to see less through your fingers. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

Actor and social commentator Iselin Shumba says she has understanding for the desire to take down the statues.

– Statuedebatten bear witness to an increasing ownership of a final settlement with the racism. But it also tells that the desire was just so strong because racism as a societal problem is not being switched hard enough down on the, says actor and social commentator Iselin Shumba to Dagbladet.

She believes that a removal will set a standard for what one is willing to accept.

– Now we might not see as much in between your fingers. We put now a standard for the new man, and tries to take a final settlement with the story, ” she says.

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Omar Samy Old (SV) is the commissioner for culture, sport and volunteering in Oslo. He is afraid skulpturdebatten is a derailing.

I think it is important that we have a debate about this. My concern is that rasismedebatten can drowning in the discussion about what kind of sculptures we are going to have and not have . We need a live debate about hverdagsrasismen, ” says the Old man to the Newspaper.

DIVERSITY: Commissioner for culture Omar Samy Old says that the most important thing is that the art reflects the diversity of the community. Photo: Sturlason. Show more

He says it is difficult for politicians to lay down guidelines on what kind of art which should be in the streets, but that he even wants a wider diversity.

” We follow, of course, with about the experiences they do in London. I think the most important thing is that we have diversity among the artists, as it will provide diversity in the art we have among us. We know that very many of the statues are of white men, who have led wars and seen the sculptures because of it. We must have more diversity than that, ” he says.

Open for debate

Yesterday Raymond Johansen (Ap) disagree with them that will rip He and Churchill of the shelf, but want a review of the city’s statues welcome.

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– If we are to learn from history and take the settlement with the old attitudes, we must also have a knowledge about who we have been, ” says Johansen, who disagree with them which will remove the statues of Holberg and Churchill.

– When we honored Churchill, honored we him not for the racism, but because he won the second world war, says Johansen to the class struggle.

Will do that on Wall Street

Iselin Shumba believes, however, that a removal will not cause one to forget the story.

When demolition is talk of taking the quiet down from the pedestal and put them in museums. But personally, I think a renewal would be enriched more, imagine another statue opposite which shows the issue from a different side, ” she says.

Shumba believes that one can do something similar as kapitalforvaltergiganten State Street Global Advisors did when they set up a bronze statue of a little girl, that challenges the already existing raging bull on Wall Street. The purpose was to put the spotlight on the women’s dramatic under-representation in american boards of directors.

– that way you can see the issue from multiple sides. It is necessary. I have learned more about Winston Churchill the last few days than I have done in the course of my 35 year old life. This is, more than anything else, an enrichment. It is also not so that racism does not have power in the day. Just look who is the president of the united STATES, ” says Shumba.

Let the statues stand Leader

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Date Of Update: 17 June 2020, 15:17

Categories: Optical Illusion

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