The hastag #Sexban is spreading on Twitter to criticize the déconfinement uk

It is still prohibited to the British to bring two people of different houses in the one or in the other, beyond the garden. The british government defended on

It is still prohibited to the British to bring two people of different houses in the one or in the other, beyond the garden.

The british government defended on Tuesday its new guidelines detailing the déconfinement, teased to penalize sexual relations by maintaining the ban on travelling in another home than his own.

Since Monday, the new guidelines relax the containment, as in force from 23 march to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus in the Uk, allowing schools to re-open progressively.

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The English may now find yourself outside in a group of six, for exercise or a barbecue. But it is still forbidden for two people of different houses to meet in the one or in the other, beyond the garden.

Some of the media were entertained to a “ban to send in the air”. The hastag “#Sexban” (#InterdictionDuSexe) started to spread on Twitter, with some users noting mischievously that engage in sexual activity at the sight of all seemed to be authorized, but not those that take place in the privacy of the home.

A fine of 112 euros

The State secretary of Housing Simon Clarke has rejected on Tuesday the charges, arguing that the goal was to protect public health and reduce the spread of the virus.

“It is clearly vital that people remain in their homes and do not expose the company to additional risks of transmission of the virus,” he said on the radio LBC, adding that he was a “key step” to towards a déconfinement “sustainable”.

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Asked whether the sexual relations were allowed outside, the minister replied that there was nothing. “It is true that the risk of transmission of coronavirus is much lower in the open air than inside,” he conceded, but “we do not encourage of course not the people to do this kind of things out in that time, or at any time”.

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Any person who in contravention of these containment measures is liable to a fine of 100 pounds (112 euros), although the government has stressed that the police had not the power to penetrate among the citizens, unless they suspect a “criminal activity serious”. Downing Street said the police “would show good sense and engage with the public, and imposing fines only as a last resort”.

Date Of Update: 03 June 2020, 17:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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