The human rights Defender emphasised the urgency of the evolution of the policing

The human rights defender specifically asks that the use of lancer ball defense (LBD) be prohibited in protests. In the decision addressed to

The human rights defender specifically asks that the use of ball launchers (LBD) be prohibited in protests.

In a decision addressed to the new Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, the rights advocate insists on the “urgency” of changes in law enforcement, including a ban on LBD and ski masks in the police force. Jacques Toubon, who leaves this independent government in a week after six years at the helm, seems to want to be heard until the end. In this framework decision, the human rights defender updates his recommendations regarding the maintenance of order, in light of the almost 200 complaints he received during the yellow vest movement.

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Former minister Jacques Chirac stressed the “urgency (…) for reflections on these issues to lead”, while Christophe Castaner left Beauvau, without announcing a national plan to maintain order, vowed to learn the lessons of a social movement, characterized by great violence. With this decision, sent to be attached to the definition of this scheme, Jacques Toubon takes up a good number of recommendations that the institution has already made since the beginning of 2018, and his report dedicated to the doctrine of maintaining order in France, which he proposed a revolution in police practices.

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The human rights defender calls for a permanent ban on the use of the ball throwing defense (LBD) in demonstrations, a weapon accused of causing serious injuries such as éborgnement. It is also recommended to put an end to the “pots”, this “entrapment” technique used by law enforcement to surround protesters, and stop “relocated identity checks”, that is, taking a person for a check to the margin of the parade sometimes at the police station. Such practices lead to “deprivation of liberty without any legal framework”, says the defender.

number of references

The institution also questioned the “legal framework” of “preventive arrests” made at yellow vest events. Many times “motivated by the possession of items such as masks, eye protection, goggles, swimming gear or simple yellow vests, which” do not represent any danger,” she said, can “deprive a person of their right to protest.” “clarification of the legal framework” that allows the police to confiscate items.

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The advocate also calls for action to “ensure law enforcement identification” and protests against “undercover police officers” who wear “face covering helmets” or “hoods.” The practice “beyond any legal or regulatory framework,” says the institution, which is “a form of acceptance, of tolerance by the hierarchy” of the police on this issue. “The trust that the public should have in their source is based on the transparency of their actions,” he said, making it “difficult for him to see” that he is claiming secrecy because the official has not been identified.

Jacques Toubon finally recommends that law enforcement pay “particular attention” to journalists and observers from associations, so that they can carry out their duties during demonstrations, and “increase caution” regarding the use of proportionate force when The protesters are minors. The city of Beauvau, where the newly appointed Gérald Darmanin is located, has two months to respond to this consultation document.

A new national law enforcement scheme

During the handover on Tuesday, Christophe Castaner indicated that the new national police scheme, originally scheduled to be presented in January, was “available” to the new minister. It is about “putting mediation and conflict reduction at the center of public order management,” he promised.

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Gérald Darmanin has to carry out this project in a difficult context, while the resurgence of the debate on “police violence”, a term rejected by the executive branch, forced his predecessor to announce the end of the teaching of the well-known interrogation method as the “crucial point”. bottleneck”, enraging the police. In his first speech as interior minister, he assured the security forces of his “full support” on Tuesday.

Update date: Jul 10, 2020, 18:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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