The Importance of Documentation and How to Handle It

Are you buried in documents? If the answer is yes, you may not be the only one.

Lawyers continue to complain about paper clutter, feeling disorganized with client data, and overwhelming review and drafting processes.

We understand that you probably handle a large volume of documents and already have many scanned files on your hard drive. However, you can understand this essential aspect of your practice much better.

Here are some ideas for a tangible improvement.

Should you say goodbye to paper?

While the thought of phasing out paper may scare you, the digitization process will eventually pay off.

You’ll save a lot of money, but that’s just the beginning. Your law firm will operate much more efficiently by providing a superior client experience, which is a non-negotiable in today’s industry.

Most importantly, working in the digital space will open up many possibilities and simplify the use of many new legal software solutions, such as a document review platform.

However, going paperless won’t be a panacea if you treat your computer like a glorified filing cabinet. This approach to document storage will eventually lead to disorganization, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

You need to change your mindset and integrate legal software that can help you streamline your new purely digital workflow.

In that spirit, here are some solutions that can help you become a document master.

1. Legal document management system

A dedicated Legal Document Management System (DMS) is your best option if you want to make the most of the digital age.

It will ensure that your recording, labeling and file retrieval processes always run smoothly. For example, you can use optical character recognition to easily scan a document.

Then, by using comprehensive document tagging tools, you can ensure that your documents are tagged with the correct metadata. Your files will be indexed and searchable, and you’ll never lose track of a document as you navigate the maze of subfolders.

If you opt for the cloud-based variant, you will also be able to access your files from anywhere, further increasing your efficiency.

2. Software to view documents

Another document-related workflow that can make life hell for the average attorney is the document review process. Fortunately, with law firm document review software, this task is much easier to handle.

For starters, all key terms are automatically extracted from the text and conveniently highlighted when checking the details in the document.

The most robust solutions on the market also offer additional functions. For example, smart tools also let you automatically fix formatting, lists, numbering, and bullet issues. If you’ve ever received a contract plagued with formatting issues, you’ll appreciate this option.

3. Software to compile documents

Finally, you can deal with the creation of the documents themselves. Many law firms use basic writing templates, but as you may have guessed, there is software out there that can do it much better.

Automated document assembly allows automatic generation of documents by selecting a template and completing required fields. It seems easy, right?

We recommend finding a standalone app that integrates with popular DMSs on the market to ensure maximum workflow efficiency.

Handle with Care

Since documents are the core of any law firm and the things attorneys spend the most time with, seeking improvements should be high on your priority list.

Old-fashioned document handling is being replaced by cloud servers and robust editing tools. You need to stay on top of trends and implement some of these solutions quickly to maintain your competitive edge.

Final tip: While all of the tools we’ve listed are powerful on their own, it’s best to consider combining them all. You’ll end up with a powerful workflow that can propel your law practice to new heights.

Categories: How to

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