The kind and generous restaurant owner prepares a free meal for the homeless dogs that visit his restaurant

A touching story about a restaurant called Gerqrd Ortiz’s cafe-restaurant. The restaurant is located in Peru.

The owner of the restaurant, Ortiz, loves dogs. He feeds homeless dogs that don’t get a chance to be properly fed.

Humans keep wild dogs and their numbers increase day by day. People understand that they need a lot of care and love.

He does everything so that no dog will go hungry. The people who visit the cafe are dog lovers. They are very gentle and compassionate with stray dogs.

The man said he wanted to show that their lives mattered. He tried to shake his face and treat him kindly.

Dogs feel valued. The owner of the cafe says he feels the dog’s happiness with the warmth in his heart.

He added, they also do not pay but wag their tails, which is enough to know these innocent creatures are healthy and happy. There’s no dog that isn’t fed just because a man walks past.

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