The latest pictures from the inside

Recommend these queer movies and series for a long time, the Newspaper tried to get access to the Y-block, in the purpose to document the work with the demolit

Recommend these queer movies and series

for a long time, the Newspaper tried to get access to the Y-block, in the purpose to document the work with the demolition of the interior and interior, with no luck.

today released finally the press in for a last look. Since rivestart in march is the inside of the building, now denuded, and only the skeleton is left standing.

To see the inside of the Y-block out now:

PLOT: Y-block is torn down and stripped the interior. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more ENTRANCE: Inside seen from the main entrance towards the elevators and konkylietrappa. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more PLOT: Much of the interior and furniture are moved and reused elsewhere. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more PREPARING: A huge steel structures to be set up before the “Fishermen” to be taken down and stored on-site, until it will be up again in connection with the new quarter. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more WORK: To ensure the Picasso wall will take the rest of the month of July. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more ART: Decorations in one of the floors. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more VIEWS: Square in front of the Y-block seen from the roof. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more CONSTRUCTION site: Work at H-block. Seen from the roof of the Y-block. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more RESIDUE: Panel and windows are left after the dismantling work. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more BACK: fitted with a large steel structures on the back side of the exterior wall where the “Fisherman” is brought up. Photo: Nina Hansen / DAGBLADET Show more

Statsbygg expect to start the demolition of the building at the end of July. Then comes the machines that cuts it down step by step.

It has been important to wait with this until the art is safe and removed, the Newspaper told.

– the Reason that the press has not been here before now, is about how the building was used. Until 2016, we had a guided tour here. The interest was not large at the time. Since it has been used as an office and barracks for the byggefolk, among other things, ” says communications director with Statsbygg, Hege Njaa Aschim to the Newspaper.

She adds that Statsbygg even have documented and photographed all of the interior and the scan built on the inside.

OVERVIEW: To the new government headquarters that will house all the ministries, except the ministry of Defence. The new government district get to the start of construction in 2021 and to be completed in 2029. Illustration: Statsbygg View more NEW HOME: Picasso and Nesjars “MĂ„ken” are standing in the vestibule in the new A-block. Illustration: Statsbygg View more NEW HOME: picasso’s, and Nesjars “the Fishermen” will fit on the new Ernard Gerhardsens space. Illustration: Statsbygg Show more

the Resistance against the demolition of the Y-block has been particularly high over the last few years and among other things Fortidsminneforeningen fought to the last end.

the Parliament voted at 3. June down A proposal to postpone the demolition of the Y block. Same day cast your opponents into the towel and withdrew the lawsuit against the state.

It also belongs to the story that the city council in Oslo was reversed in the case 22. april of this year. When voted, a majority of municipal politicians in order to preserve the Y-block.

Over and out for the Y-block

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Date Of Update: 18 June 2020, 13:17

Categories: Optical Illusion

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