The Office: 10 Low-Key Hilarious Nate Moments

Nate Nickerson as a supporting character office He started out as a maintenance worker, but was later hired to work in a warehouse. Nate was originally hired to replace the wasp nest, but since Dwight took ownership of the building, he’s stayed on to do more. While Nate isn’t the main character, or even the hardest worker, he’s a hilarious side character that deserves more credit.

Nate is played by comedian/actor Mark Proksch, who was on the show from season seven through the end of season nine. Most of Nate’s comedic moments are covered up, but there are plenty of instances where Nate’s unintentionally humorous moments make the episode even better.

He speaks “really” good English

Dwight hires Nate - Office

When viewers first meet Nate, he’s standing in line outside with a group of other men looking for work. Dwight drove to hire a day laborer, and Nate was the only one to come forward. The two talk for a few seconds in broken Spanish before Dwight asks if he speaks English. Obviously Nate’s English is better than Spanish because he can replace English words with Spanish words he doesn’t know. This was the beginning of his strange and beautiful relationship with Dwight.

“Oh Daryl, these are so elegant”

Darryl Mitts Nate - Office

When Val starts working in the warehouse, Darryl is instantly smitten with her and tries to behave decently. The two work together and he doesn’t want to be seen as overwhelming. But when she gives him a gift (a knitted hat) on Valentine’s Day, he takes it as if she likes him.

Darryl goes out to buy her expensive cashmere gloves, but when he realizes that everyone in the warehouse has a hat made by Val, he panics and gives the gloves to Nate. Nate didn’t understand what had just happened and said the glove was “elegant” and put it on.

His hearing is not the best

Hire Nate as the warehouse of The Office

When the entire warehouse won the lottery, they all left without warning. Darryl urgently needs to hire a group of employees before the business suffers. Nate appeared in the interview and told Dunder Mifflin that he had a bit of a hearing problem. Speaking to Andy, Nate said: “Technically I don’t have a hearing problem, but sometimes when there’s a lot of noise going on, I can hear a whole bunch of noise.” conversation, and complains that he doesn’t know what’s going on.

when he spoke for Ernesto

Ernesto and Nate - The Office

When Jim was called to serve as a juror, he was released that afternoon and could have returned to work. However, Pam is at home with two children and needs help. In the end, Jim had to take a few days off work to be home with his family, but he blamed the jury duty.

When Dwight discovers Jim’s lie, he invites Ernesto, a famous food truck owner, to the office to see if he knows Jim. Nate works as Ernestor’s interpreter because his English is not very good. In typical Nate style, he succeeds in translating but kills the delivery man.

Ultimate Haystack Generator

King Hay - Office

In “”, Dwight introduces the Hay Place camera; an adventure on the haystack on his beet farm. Every fall, he builds a maze out of haystacks and organizes fall activities for the kids. Considering that Nate is the person Dwight hires to help keep his business running, it’s funny to see that he also works at Shrute Ranch. Nate is seen stacking hay to be crowned hay king for the day.

a joke went too far

Nates Mom Jokes - The Office

In “Destruction”, Pam is unable to help herself when someone in the warehouse damages her mural. The only person they could rely on for more information was Nate. Dwight and Pam need a reason to talk to Nate without being suspicious, so they tell him his mother is dying. It was one of those scary moments, but the audience couldn’t help but laugh at Nate’s reaction.

No need to invest in Ravi

Office - Nate talking to Ryan and Kevin

When Kelly started dating Ravi, Ryan felt threatened and started downplaying the relationship. He told everyone that Ravi wasn’t as great as Kelly made him look like. Kevin disagrees with Ryan and tells him that Ravi is “just that”. Nate interrupted abruptly, “I’ve never met Ravi in ​​person, but I’ll go ahead and say, I’ve known you for a while, Bryan, and I like Ravi better.” Funny, Nate is a warehouse worker, and he shouldn’t even be in the break room to eat. Oh, and he doesn’t even know who Ravi is.

That terrible wasp nest

Nate vs a wasp nest - office

The whole reason Nate was hired to work on the complex was because Dwight needed to get rid of the wasp nest. Dwight lists various tools (including bows) that Nate can use to get out of the lair. The purpose of giving Nate different tools was to check if he would make the right choice. Nate first picked up the torch, then picked up a baseball bat and swung it at the nest. You could say he failed the test, but Dwight kept Nate on the payroll.

“Answer the toilet paper!”

Nate Reply Toilet Paper - Office

When Dwight became the owner of the building, he complicated the lives of Dunder Mifflin workers. He dilutes soap, installs motion-testing equipment on buildings, and even dilutes toilet paper. He went too far. Pam decided to find another office to rent and brought home proof that Dunder Mifflin could move buildings to save money and work in a stress-free work environment.

When Pam walks into Dwight’s office, Nate is hilariously backstage thinning toilet paper with a wooden machine.

nate is the photographer

dunder mifflin holiday images - office

As the holidays approached, Michael Scott wanted an office shot with everyone jumping in the air. Nate was the one who took the picture and told everyone, “Three o’clock, everyone’s on the air.” However, he counted down. “Three, two, one, no!” This causes everyone to jump at different times and spoils the picture. Michael then told the cameras that they didn’t catch it.

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