The Platform Ending Explained, What Is The Ending Of The Platform?

The Platform Ending Explained breaks down the final scenes of the 2020 Spanish sci-fi horror film directed by Galdero Gaztelu Urrutia. In this article, we explain the film’s ambiguous ending, offering a deeper understanding of its themes and messages. If you’re looking for a comprehensive analysis of The Platform ending, The Platform Ending Explained is the perfect guide. The Platform Ending Explained offers a thorough explanation of the final scenes of The Platform, giving viewers a clearer understanding of the film’s ambiguous conclusion. With The Platform Ending Explained, you can dive deep into the themes and messages of the film’s finale.


“Platform” is a 2020 Spanish-language science fiction horror film directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia. The film was originally released on November 8, 2019. The film is set in a vertical prison called “The Pit” where prisoners are housed on multiple levels and a food platform descends from the top floor to feed them. The platform moves down one level each day, and the prisoners on the bottom level receive all the scraps. The film explores the themes of class inequality, human nature and the struggle for survival.

The film begins with the introduction of the main character, Goreng, who is voluntarily imprisoned in the Pit. He shares a cell with an older man named Trimagasi, who explains to him the rules of the prison and how the platform works. Goreng is determined to get through his time in prison while retaining his humanity, but as he and the Trimagas make their way down the levels, they witness the brutal reality of life in the Pit.

The film also presents a group of characters who are representatives of different social classes, with each level of prison symbolizing different socioeconomic strata. Prisoners at higher levels have access to an abundance of food, while those at lower levels are forced to resort to violence and cannibalism in order to survive.

As the platform descends, Goreng and Trimagasi’s relationship deteriorates and they act out of desperation. Goreng also meets Miharu, a lower level woman, who is looking for her missing child.

Platform end explained

The ending of the film left many viewers confused and with different interpretations. In this article, we will analyze the ending of the film and give an explanation.

Spoilers ahead

In the final scenes of the film, we see Goreng, the protagonist, and Baharat, a fellow prisoner, riding down a platform that moves towards the lower level. They manage to gather a significant amount of food with them, and Baharat reveals his plan to use it to convince the administration to change the system. However, when they reach the lowest level, they are attacked by desperate prisoners who have resorted to cannibalism.

Baharat sacrifices himself to save Goreng, who is then taken to a room where he meets with management. The administration consists of two people, a woman and a man, who represent the bureaucracy, that is, the corporate elite. Goreng is offered a job to become part of the administration and maintain the existing system. They justify the system by claiming that it is necessary for the survival of humanity and that they are trying to find a solution to the problem.

Goreng, now disillusioned with the system, declines the offer and proposes a different solution instead. He suggests that the management take a ride on the platform and see for themselves what conditions the prisoners are in. The woman hesitates at first, but the man agrees to go with Goreng. As they ride the platform, they witness the horrors of the system and the despair of the prisoners.

The film ends with Goreng and the administration reaching the lowest level, where they find the young girl who was introduced earlier in the film. The girl is the daughter of a prisoner who was taken away from her mother and placed on a platform. Goreng and the management take the girl with them as they try to find a way out of the prison.

The ending of the film is open to interpretation, but can be seen as a critique of the current capitalist system and its lack of concern for the less fortunate. The film suggests that the current system is unsustainable and that it is up to individuals to find a solution. Goreng’s refusal to join the administration and his proposal to take the platform alone can be seen as a call to action for individuals to challenge the status quo and fight for change.

In conclusion, “Platform” is a thought-provoking film that asks important questions about the current system and the human nature that sustains it. The end of the film leaves the audience with a sense of hope that change is possible, but also highlights the difficulties and sacrifices that come with it.

Cast of The Platform

Actor actress Character name
Ivan Massagué Goreng
Zorion Eguileor Trimagasi
Antonio San Juan Imoguiri
Emilio Buale Baharat
Aleksandra Masangkay Miharu
Zihara Llana Little
Mario Pardo Administration
Algis Arlauskas Press
Txubio Fernández de Jáuregui Chef

What is the end of the platform?

The climax of the film occurs when the platform reaches its lowest level, and Goreng, Trimagasi and Miharu are forced to face the horrors of the Pit. They discover that the missing child was taken by the prison administration, who used the platform as a way to experiment on prisoners. Goreng and Miharu team up to save the child and take over the administration.

The end of the film is ambiguous, but can be interpreted as a message about the fight for equality and the importance of working together for change. The final scene shows Goreng, Miharu and the child riding the platform back to the top floor, where they hope to implement a change in the system.

All in all, “Platform” is a thought-provoking film that offers a sharp critique of capitalism, class inequality and human nature. It challenges viewers to think about the flaws of society and the importance of solidarity and compassion in the fight against injustice.

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