The Pokémon GO, makes it easier for you to get to play in the street

Niantic makes smartphone games like Pokémon GO easier for players to get the game to play on the street due to the spread of the new corona virus

Niantic is making smartphone games like Pokémon GO available to players, and due to the spread of the new corona virus, it’s easier to get the game to be played on the street, the company said on its website. It’s a game that usually encourages players to make the most of the real-world experience of using a smartphone in their hand to search for Pokémon.

The game allows all users to get it for one digital currency, thirty items that Pokémon follow, but without that, he does it on the road does not have to. From thirty units of work in one hour, where the player is, in theory, up to thirty hours of play without any of his possessions outside….

Players who are still on the streets don’t have to go far for their Pokémon Egg to hatch. Normally, players must be up to 10 miles away. The time is halved, for players who from this point onwards, the egg in the Windows-based portable incubator site.

Niantic said on Twitter that the company is putting more emphasis on features for people who are Pokémon, GO and single player. The changes will apply to the company in the US, it will publish a promotion to stop.

Corona virus, in short, the virus spreads mainly through coughs and niesdruppeltjes that are in the air. An infected person infects two to three other people on average. This number can be reduced with appropriate safety measures. The vast majority of patients have mild symptoms (flu-like). Almost all deaths involve elderly or already ill people. With the precautions you can, these people are protected. Click here to read “what are the main precautions.

Date of update: March 13, 2020, 5:00 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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