The series of photos shows the beautiful friendship between baby gorilla and chimpanzee

The relationships between animals are not uncommon, we see them time and time again and they still have the power to melt our hearts. This story is no exception.

The photographer has captured the tender and affectionate relationship between baby gorilla and baby chimpanzee.

Photographer Michael Poliza captured the moment two baby monkeys playing together, hugging and just being good friends.

Many baby animals don’t make a difference in any way, we’ve seen baby monkeys and tiger cubs, puppies and tigers, even dogs and owls. They have a pure and matchless love.

It’s hard to say whether the two will remain friends into late adulthood. Gorillas can be very territorial and aggressive as they grow up.

They are used to being rough with each other, so for smaller animals like chimpanzees it can be dangerous.

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