The worst day for the DOW since 1987, the index closes just below 11 per cent lower

on The stock market index, has the second-worst day of all time and a half. The leading Amsterdam based index, which closed up nearly 11 percent, due to continu

on The stock market index, has the second-worst day of all time and a half. The leading Amsterdam based index, which closed up nearly 11 percent, due to continued concerns about the spread of corona virus.

you can Only have it on the 19th of October 1987, which is also known as ‘Black Monday’, the DOW is a greater reduction than is the case in this Thursday, march 13th, by the year 2020. When he lost the index as much as 12 percent of the time.

The concerns have increased after the U.s. president and Donald Trump on Wednesday it had decided to make a re-entry ban for Europeans to enter.

also, did centralebankpresident, Christine Lagarde, investors will not have to prove that the European Central Bank (ECB) will do to the economic damage caused by the virus from entering the system.

you may Also have other stock markets in Europe are deep in the negative

the other european stock markets were on Thursday, but less than 10% of the max. In Italy and Spain went to the markets and, respectively, 17 percent and 14 percent. In the United States of america lost its markets for more than 8 to 9 per cent.

The most dramatic day, following about two weeks of plummeting share prices. Investors fear that the spread of the corona virus and the measures that will be taken up in the global economy is significantly better.

for example, in Italy, a large part of the public life is shut down to prevent the spread of people. In the Netherlands, the government announced Thursday it is also tougher action to be taken. Events with more than a hundred people in the Netherlands are cancelled, and people need to work from home if possible, and for those who have fever or respiratory complaints, needs, and anyway, binnenblijven.

you can Follow the latest developments of the virus in our liveblog.

See also: corona virus in a nutshell: these are the most important facts of The corona virus, in short, The virus is spread mainly through the coughs and niesdruppeltjes that are in the air. An infected person is infecting on average two to three other people. This number can be decreased with proper safety precautions. The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) symptoms. Almost all the deaths involve elderly or already ill people. With the precautions that you can, these people are protected. Click here to read ” what are the main precautions to be.

Date Of Update: 12 March 2020, 18:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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