These signs indicate that the epidemic continues

In metropolitan France, several indicators confirm the idea that the virus has been circulating more intensively in recent weeks. The express train pointed that out

In metropolitan France, several indicators confirm the idea that the virus has been circulating more intensively in recent weeks. The express train highlighted these signals of epidemic recovery.

This is a message that is taking up more and more space in public discourse, the virus is here, and the number of people infected with SARS-CoV2 is starting to rise again. In a recent report, Public Health France found a new “new trend of increasing the circulation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus”, in the territory of metropolitan France. For several weeks, the situation with the epidemic has been worrying in French Guiana and Mayotte, and it could worsen during the metropolis, the authorities warn.

A number of indicators, representative of the movement of the virus, have developed over the past few days and indicate that a reversal of the epidemic may be close. Express talks about it.

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one of the indicators that is monitored is the famous “R effective”, that is, the number of infected persons from one patient. While in recent weeks it was less than 1 at the national level, this figure, based on virologically positive tests, crossed the limit in the metropolis. “Last week in the metropolis, this R was 1.05, a little more than 1, and higher than the previous week, which goes in the sense of the tendency of the virus to increase in circulation,” Sophie Vaux, Public Health, France, explained to Agence France-Presse. (SPF).

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Multiplication of outbreaks

Since the end of detention, health authorities have adopted a method of monitoring and isolating cases of contamination. Clusters or outbreaks of contamination have been identified in some regions. As long as they are identified and limited, the risk of spreading the epidemic is under control. According to the public health of France throughout the territory, and as of May 9, 333 clusters (this does not apply to long-term care facilities and homes of limited contamination in a family environment) were reported until July 8. On Sunday, 68 clusters were still under investigation.

In France, from June 29 to July 5, 3,797 people tested positive for Covid-19, compared to 3,406 in the previous week. For Daniel Camus, an epidemiologist from the Institut Pasteur in Lille, this situation can say that “households do not meet face to face”. “There are clusters, but there’s also the fact that tests being done a little bit everywhere necessarily implies an increase in identifying cases. It’s also being discovered today, many of the asymptomatic cases that weren’t identified, not necessarily before, that reinforces the observation that the virus is there and that it’s circulating with quiet noise.”

The balance sheets of several regions are disturbing

In two regions of France, in Normandy and Mayenne, a case of community broadcasting was detected. This means that it does not identify the origin of new contamination in this group. This is one of the signals that speaks of the loss of control over the epidemic.

“We have seven groups that are still under investigation in Mayenne,” says Benedict James, director of the Covid crisis within the Pays de la Loire Regional Health Agency, “they have arrived, one after the other, and in some areas you can’t necessarily connect all the cases, which it shows the presence of the virus in the community,” he notes. “Since June 25, we have noticed a significant increase in cases in the ward. Yesterday, for Mayenne, we were in 326 positive tests, while between May 11 and June 25 we had fifty positive cases,” details Benedict James who spoke about ” attention thresholds that have been exceeded”. In this department, the contamination rate is the latest news of 42 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

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In a press release published on July 10, the ARS of New Aquitaine also noted that it had detected “murmurs at the level of indicators: the number of positive cases of Covid-19 increased from 47 (June 24 to 30) to 82 cases (from 1 . until July 7)”. In this coastal region, especially in tourism, the summer holidays are a concern, “in this context, and ahead of the extension of the weekend and trips to the holidays, the SIO therefore calls for prudence and strict maintenance of the barrier gesture to combat the virus during the summer period.”

Three new people have been hospitalized in this region since July 8, bringing the total to 65. Nine more people are in the intensive care or intensive treatment department, and since the beginning of the year, 2,200 recoveries and 421 deaths have been recorded. epidemic.

A slight increase in admissions

In Paris hospitals, several heads of services have noted a slight acceleration of support for “Covid patients” already “at the end of last week”, according to the head of department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP ). The same observation at Bichat Hospital (AP-HP), we had a little more patients for a week, or a day, but that has nothing to do with the situation during the crisis, for example, this weekend we had no new patients,” explains Professor Yazdan Yazdanpanah, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and tropical diseases of the Bichat Hospital. “That’s why we can use the word trembling, there is a small increase over a short period.”

Other signs of possible recovery from the disease, from June 29 to July 5, the SOS Doctors association recorded 1,523 medical procedures due to suspected Covid-19, which is an increase of 41 percent compared to the previous week, according to the public health of France.

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“The positivity rate is still low. For this reason, we are talking about an earthquake that has yet to be confirmed. But what we see is that people are less respectful of the barriers with gestures and I think it is important to remember that the virus is still present there, we must not forget the triptych mask, more hand washing and screening,” he says.

Updated date: July 15, 2020, 12:58 a.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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