This robot makes sure no drop is wasted when you water your lawn

If you have a yard, you are probably well aware of how much work it can be to maintain it. Not only that, but water restrictions can prevent you from achieving that slice of green whether you’re willing to work for it or not. However, never fear because Growver is here to solve both of these problems.

The Growver, made by Revely, is “the lawn watering hero your grass has been waiting for,” according to the associated Kickstarter page. Perhaps even more descriptive — it’s a robot that roams your yard and waters your grass, while using far less water than other sprinklers on the market.

Related Offer: Water Your Lawn Smartly. Check out Blossom’s Smart Water Controller

The robot attaches itself to your standard garden hose and then uses its wire-sensing technology to make its way through the yard using boundary wire. The smarts inside the device don’t stop there — the Growver can use its water sensors to detect which parts of your lawn are drier than others, giving more water to those parts and saving water where you don’t need to use as much.

That’s where the team behind the device claims to save the most water. Why use water if you don’t need it anyway?

growerImage used with permission of the copyright holder

growerImage used with permission of the copyright holder

growerImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Growver also has a smartphone app, which allows you to monitor the condition of your lawn and exactly how much water is being used. You can even tell it to use less water, if that’s what you want.

Of course, there is one serious caveat. In order to sit back and relax while the Growver waters your grass, you’ll have to be tolerant of one thing — the big old green robot that lives on your lawn. Some sprinkler systems are designed to stay hidden, but while the Growver is painted green, it will have a hard time blending in with its surroundings.

Still interested? Growver is currently available on Kickstarter. Pledges start at $1, but to get a Growver for yourself, you’ll need to shell out at least $325, or you can serve as a beta tester by pledging $100, which will get you the device on loan for 18 months between this summer and next.

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